Sunday, January 25, 2009

65 to 48..? 50..? 55..?

C? How maintain i am time married!

After married!!

Hehe.. i tink u all should read a previous post first by Ery b4 read mine..! Its all bout my weight!! I'm so quiry+wori tau.. Wat should i do..?

B4 tis, b4 i'm gettin' married.. my weight only average around 48-52 n its mean tat i am in featherweight cateogary. N now, like Ery said my latest weight was 65kg!! No.. i don't mean to eat everting, everyday!! Just only i'm hapi to serve Ery went he was eatin' n he will approached me to eat wit him 2gether-gether.. :P so of course la cannot tahan kn!

Da latest news is now i 'cannot' wear my fav stuffs anymore!! Ketat sana, ketat sni.. Alamak!! So once i told Ery, (ngadu la konon :P) he sayin' tat he like wat i am now.. Eh, mana bleh babe! Or he said mayb i hav to do da xercise tat i had left behind long time ago..

Hmm.. wonderin' wats goin' to happen if i didn't do anyting, so i decid to go for xercise. Its already a 2nd week since we went for xercise @Taman Belia here. Its also will be holding a "Senamrobik Sessions" every Sunday, 8am in da moning. So i took tis opportunity to get back my ideal weight n try to keep fit la of course!!

Now also i didn't touch "rice" for more than 2weeks already. I'm not really go for diet just only i try to avoid so much carbohydrates for my lunch n go more on vege+protein. I really hope tis 2009 wil bring a new me like b4.. N i replyin' to challenge Ery for maintain back myself. Caiyo Caiyo..


Ella said...

comei la gamba time kawen tu! skang pon masih comel lagi ape.. hehe!

good luck on ur "slimming" project! jgn sampai jatuh saket udah.. kang susah hati plak mr erry.. yg penting kita sihat cukup. :)

arezura said...

gamba kawen tu makeup yg lebih yu yg nmpak comei sket..

thanks ella! bkn senang ati dh bila tgk lemak dok memecah sna sni..

ery@zainy said...

wah..balas 'the fact' nampak..? hehe