Monday, May 28, 2012

Nek meroyan sat!!

Nauzubillah...!! Tulah perkataan pertama yg klauq dr mulot are td. U guys know wat really happen? Are trlepaih pandang sat saja bila my dotter, Dhia walked away masok dapoq sorg2. When I realized tat she was not sitting beside me, I quickly looked after her kat dapoq la. Mana tau, Dhia dh selok tangan siap men renjis2 lg minyak dr periuk bekaih opah Dhia menggoreng ayam ptg td...!! :p Ya Allah anak ooii, I was like 'shocked'....trnganga, trkedu sat pun ada jgk! Cepat2 are grab her hand & pull her straight go inside da washroom...belek2 tapak tangan smua, Alhamdulillah nasib bek la sgt minyak tu dh sejok. If not, tah la pa nk jd... Si mama react agak cm meroyan la jgk...trjerit2 takot actually!! Sapa xrisau tgk anak dia wat camtu.. Are canT imagine if anything happen to her...Pity her jgk, are marah2 then babab smpai Dhia nangeh trsedu2 la.. At last, she fall asleep....pun dlm keadaan trsedu2 jgk!! Pity her la.... :-( So for all mommies out there, or mommies to be...or coming soon mommies to be....Xperience yg are alami td ni jadikanlah pngajaran supaya we all lebih brhati2 for future. Anak2 yg sedang mmbesaq mmg depa suka explore pa saja yg ada depan depa. We, as their parent...kna la take xtra step to look out wat ever their activities!! Hmmmmm...

March Till May

Ok....I'm skipping March & April..! Now dh dkt end month of May & are really malas, and again sgt malas nk mng'update' all my current situation. Owhhh...btw, I wanted to congrats (many2 congrats) to my fren Intan, dia dh pun slamat melahirkan sorg bby girl! Now Dhia have a new fren! Hopefully u'll recovered soon & of course, slamat brpantang k.... XOXO

Now, back to me... Ok, there's a lot of things tat happened between las month, las2 month & tis month. Las 2 month, meaning on Marh we did watched da Disney On Ice at Pisa. It was our 1st time, we got da chances to bring Dhia oso. Im not buying da tickets, but i did changed it with my TreatsPoints from my MBB card. So, its really worth it guys.... Da show was so excitement & great! No wonder la jgk psai went da show was finished, there was one kid tat keep crying & keep asking for more show from his sgt teruja.... :)

2 weeks after tat, we all did went to KL and as usual like every year before...we got da chances to watched da F1 event. Me, Ery, my abah... My abang and Syazwan! Da most exciting moment was when we all been there and watched all da teams from da pit lane walk. Thanks to my abang, for letting us join u during tat weekend.

Dhia is now going to be 1 year and 6 months. She now days sgtlah active..

Kadang2 tu mmg menguji kewibawaan are sndri la...but Alhamdulillah are still got mak & mum in Law yg byk sgt2 bg adviced & xpenah putus2 menasihati are perkara yg berguna utk mnjd seorg mama yg baik..tQ opah & makTok!! Love u both tau...!! ;-) Oh ya, Dhia pun xlepaih nk bercakap lg...but as a parent, u will know actually wat ur baby are trying to tell u.. Skrg ni she oredi can talk a words like; "yah (ayah), mama (full tense for calling me), pahhh (opah), tuk (nampak semua org tua ja, mesti kira atuk la), dok (dudok), ket (sakit)". Tp klu bab2 meniru watak, Dhia nowdays mmg dh cekap...dr buat muka 'busyuk' smpai ke tiru camna are muntah....mmg terror!! Lol.....!! Ok enuf for now, Dhia's part!! Owhhh im not forgotten to wish a fren of my, my old schoolmate...kecik ja orgnya tp blogger tegar jgk orgnya! Reena....we went to their wedding, mmg rock la yg are leh simple, elegan & cool!! Tambah bila tgk her husband pakai sneakers ja during reception!! I never think of tat ok...!! Selamat pengantin baru to both of u! Enjoy ur marriage till da end. Sweet couple la u guys. Bln Mei ni oso was a month of my brother & my sis InLaw birthday... Wish them all da best, murah rezeki..pjg umoq & have a blast in life together! Love u guys.. If we talk bout work, im still at PTikus.. Dh 8eight years pun kat situ!! And baru2 my branch dpt BM yg baru, previous manager has been transfered to other branch (kira nek pangkat lg la tu....). Bila masuk ja BM baru ni, dh 4x are dpt bos baru...heheee len org, len ragamnya ye tak?!! :p Ya tak ya, 1 more entri...wish congratss to my hubby's fren, Zahid & Zu. Baru ja dpt baby girl kmarin.. Happy parenting to both of u, and like i was said before...Jgn jemu tuk berjaga malam k..!! She was so adorable...!! Till here...caosssssss!! Take care smua...