Wednesday, September 9, 2009


HMMmm... as usual, every year la kan.. msti ada tis date!! Klu tak 05.05.05... msti 06.06.06. And for tis year, today was 09.09.09..! So, in my dairy today:-

1) Early moning, OTW to opis.. I can see sooo many people (bride+groom) mostly Chinese waiting at tis place (apatah nama tempat nie..Chinese hall la kat Scotland Road) for register their wedding!! At first, trkejot jgk.. then baru realize tat today was a good date for them!! Kononnya la..

2) One of my officer, CikZak! His leg was crack..! Though just a small injure.. but he feel really hurt. Its because of when he try to avoid from offence between his 'moto' wit a car, he suddenly "tercium" divider!! Adoii.. then now, he was in MC until 15th of Oct!! Raya sakan ya CikZak... :P

3) One of my colleague (xyah mention la namanya ya..) 'smuggle' mercun+bunga api!! Fuuhh, untong sakan dia thn nie, everybdy kat opis tu pakat2 beli ramai2.. Smua beli tuk anak2 ka.. beli nk mian sendri jugak?!! And me.. of course, 'join' also.. Dh tis year my bro will celebrate Hari Raya over here, though mayb i can play wit my nieces+nephew kan!!

4) Rezeki arini.. we all (da Muslim only) dapat 'roti John' sorg sebungkos tis evening!! It delicious, from Tg Bungah. Ery also wanted to berbuka wit tis roti John, so i ask AbgLan to buy xtra for me!!

5) At tis time now, during berbuka.. me n my mum take turns to baked our biscuits!! So after tis, within tis week n nex week.. we both gonna 'pulun' to bake a biscuits b4 HARI RAYA!!! Yippie...

Mayb everybdy around tis world had their own story also today. But for me, wat ever we all doing, we just faces da same identity of life's!!

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