On Tuesday.. doin my work as usual, smpai la i had a phone call from my ABM (Ms.Lim) askin' me to go to da Region..
"Azura, RM wanted to see u.. NOW!!" Ha... gila ka pa. RM tu.. knowin why he wanted to see me, so i feel cam percaya atau tidak ja..!!

"Ya ka psai tu..??!"
Tat song yg are just write in between 10mins tu? Ery pun gelak yg lirik yg are tulis tat time!! Mana bleh big bos minat plak nie.. Never thought tat im goin to present it in front of all da ZM tat day. Plus, together with a few singer also from MBB.. come on.. they're all professional tau..!!
"Bos, saya xpayah nyanyi kan on tat day..?!" Me askin' RM.
"NO... u're included!!! Even u're da song writer, tp i nak u perfom jugak" Senyum ja RM tengok are time tu.. :P Cayalah Bos, buat are xbleh lari.. i was trapped!! Help, help...
Today, i received an email from En. Ahmad.. From da email, it sayin' tat da song was goin to be P/K/P theme song! OMG, my manager punyalah sronok.. senyum sampai ke telinga haa.. Mana taknya, nama branch naik wat!! And me.. are TAKOT!!! Macam2 dlm my mind, but have to react cool. I thought i just 'play2' tau..
All have been confirmed.. I wil show u all wats happening to me on tis Monday! In front on my Consumer Banking big boss plak tu, Mr Lim Hong Tatt tau...
Best pa..! Don't worry, I know you're talented!!
Ery..bj are besaq.. Cmna nk pkai on Monday nie..?
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