9 to 12 July 2009
Metrojaya Warehouse Sale - Penang
Up to 70% Off
Big Brands, Small Prices!!
9 to 12 July 2009
Metrojaya Warehouse Sale - Penang
Up to 70% Off
Big Brands, Small Prices!!
Products Offered
Cosmetics & Fragrances
Home Essentials
and more
Time : 11am to 830pm
Actually i already know bout da sale's since las week when saw da banner along da road. Tis moning, after havin my bfast at home.. i planned to go to da tailor wit my mum (anto kain nk buat bj 'raya'!!). OTW back, i right through drive to PISA.. hmm y not kn, mayb lookin for baju tuk ari raya jugak.. :B
We arrived there around 1155am, MasyaAllah... org dh pun ramai!! Then ujan some more.. Tat time baru sejam after opening time, parkin pun dh penoh. Semua byk CA YA NUN ALIFF la.., sapa lg! Diaorg nie xreti dok kat umah ka, adoii sesak ngan depa ja.. All da handbags cannot be enter inside da place, so they cover wit plastic bag n tie it! N each cust had given a big plastic shopping bag like IKEA bans Plastic bag.
There a lot of products offered such as apparels, baby, bags, beauty, children, cosmetics, departmentstore, fragrances, furnishings, home, household, ladies, men, shoes.. (opps, xdak la..).
After 1 1/2hours over there.. try to fitting wat i wanted.. so i got for myself EIC blouse+pants at only RM70 for tis 2items. My mum plak, she get for herself brassiere (Audrey lg tu...) at 70% discount tau! And da major part, we both get for ourselves a handbags- Emanuelle for 50% discount. Waah, know wat.. actually my las shoppin' on handbag was bout 2years ago.. before i get married! Haha, tis time i suddenly catch sight of 1 stripe handbag...?!! Yess.. dpt pun :B
For Ery, tidak dilupakn.. i buy for him a Jeep shirt at only RM29++. Nk beli pants kat dia, better he go n shop for himself la.. (c***wet sket..) my husband nie orgnya. Look someting for my father too.., tp my mum said better she come along wit him. Choose sndri.. Though tat d sale wil be end by tomorrow, but it has b extend until Monday- 13 July'09. So hurry up for Penang members.. before it ends!!
Oooo seronok ya.. Dapat jugak baju 'raya' la tu. Takut tak sempat la kot hari raya nanti!
ala..! :P
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