We when there after Maghrib together wit us is my sis Zarin+abgRahim. OTW, we already trapped in tis heavy rain. So sudden actually.. da rain was fallin down w/out gave any warning!! :P Fuuhh... Basah kuyup la jugak. We did try da western foods, of course abgRahim wil order his fav "ChickenChop+MushroomSauce".. Sis Zarin wit her "Fish&Chips"! Ery, he did try a new menu.. "ChickenBBQ" and so do i.. i try someting called "Dory Fish wit ButterSauce". Bout da taste... it was sooo pleasant!!
Bcoz its still rainin, so tat y we hav a plenty time to enjoy our foods. I suggest, Y not frens, if u dont really know where to hav a nice foods at a new place.. go & try over here! Not only a western foods, there's also NasiAyam la.., CharKoayTeow.. Penang Cuisine(MeeJawa;CucurUdang etc..). Da price..? Really generous!!

Ery's meal- ChickenBBQ

Tis goin' to be my fav..; *Dory Fish wit ButterSauce*
Disturb dia makan..

4 of us *wink*
We move back home when da clock showin' near to 11 o'clock! At tis time, Penang still havin' a heavy rain (sbb dh call up my mum kat umah, tnya ujan ke..?). Using da Greenlane road, we was so suprise bcoz there was a traffic jammed!! Wat happen..? Takkan time nie pun baru smua org blk keja..?
Banjir.. banjir wooo! Aiq naik..!! Serious.. in just within 2hours, but really in heavy fallin rain ja air dh pun naik!! Gooshh.. :P Pa dh jd ngan jln2 kat Penang nie, dh sempat+rendah ka..? Heran..
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