After we have plan it for 2months, so on last Saturday we all make our moves to Tg.Dawai. Actually we wanted to go since last year, before we celebrating our fasting month! Then because of something happens (sudah tak ingat apa dia..), so we make an arrangement to go on this day.
Best jugak actually kat sini.. we move early, after having breakfast around 9.00am.. just take us around 1 and half hours to arrived there. We went convoy together in 3 cars including my mum, Zura's mother.. my sister-Zarina, sister in law-Kak Ija, my brother-Abg Zul and brother in law-Abg Rahim together with us also my 2 nephews-Irah and Ain!
The women's do their 'shopping' on ikan kering, ikan gelama masin, terubuk masam, pekasam.. sotong kering.. banyak lagi lah! But one thing.. semua memang fresh-fresh belaka!! Another one is 'keropok lekor'.. fuhhh siap tauke kedai bagitau yang dia bangun pukul 4.00pagi tu buat sendiri tau!! Still fresh, panas lagi time kami beli.. :-)
Dah memborong sakan, we all have our lunch dekat kedai bawah. Apa yang you all nak time lunch tu..? Ikan bakar? Sotong bakar? Udang bakaq...? Memang marvellous habis... (meleleh lagi air liur ni ha!!) Sedap betul lunch dekat situ.. ambik yang bukan-bukan sampai memang kenyang sangat. Know what, for lunch sahaja that afternoon.. 10people's+ikan siakap bakar+sotong+udang bakaq+ketam goreng tepung+gulai ikan+sayur campur+petola+udang samabl+ABC+laicikang++++ .... FYI it just cost me RM91++!! Puas..?

My family conquer that shop!!

Seronok nampak semua..!
Which one..?
Takkan tak cukup lagi Zura, ABC+Laicikang..?

-Suka Zura-
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