Thursday, December 3, 2009

my feelin...

Dear Frens... (merujuk kepada smua-opis!!)

I know tat tis problems has been drag for a long time.. dh masok 1year++ pun!! :P I dont want to mention about da passed and i know tat its not easy for all my frens to forget... Both side are my frens, both side also like a sister to me! Kita dh lama worked together.. i've been there for almost 7years and been knowing each of u since u all transfer to PTS.


Issue by issue has been related, day by day we have worked together but i've seen like there's no any forgiveness.. kita xbleh mcm dulu2 ka?!! Kita pun dh mcm satu famili dh, during opis hours we spend our time at least 8hours/5days a week.. takkan still nk brmasam muka everyday :[

Frens, u have to know tis...

I dont want to be a middle person, i dont to be so nice wit both side.. i dont want boss keep calling me, asking me a same questions.. favors!! Wat i want is to be fair, fair to everybody!!

My frens...

I'm writing tis not to say tat i'm in da right place.. x la kata jgk yg Are ni baik sgt pun! Just, klu bleh Are wanted sgt2 tat we all can be fren/sister for a long long time. Hopefully tat after tis i will hear a good news among us. No more issuing, no more excuse... no more enter to boss room, no more crying.. Come on, we are all in one roof.. in one team.. in da same place, same building!!

Now its up to u my frens to think about all this.. for me, im just saying wat i feel n dont want to hurt anybody (klu bleh). But, if i do so.. Are mintak maaf byk2!! Are dont want to lose a good friendship between all of us.


intan Norafzan said...

owh...its a officemate stuff...
so i cant really comment in just nak bg my opinion la...mmg its hard for u to be a middle person between group/individual for A n B.u r not sure wich one to believe,to hear, to listen etc.
miscommunication always lead to problem like this in work environment.bila kita dah ada new 'enemy' at work, of course we cudnt concentrate on our works 100%, then theres of course will be a its tough rite.
bukan senang nak berbaek, but for sake of your work, better la berbaik kan...nak keja pon hati senang...
as for me, intan kd ofis xd klik mana2..semua org pon intan kwn.mmg intan xd nak kepoh hal2 org kd opis senang...i xamek taw hal depa, depa pon xamek taw hal intan..

sabar yer are

arezura said...

Intan thanks for ur opinion! Really appriciate..

For ur info, tats wat happen here..its all bout miscommunication! Arrrgh... Additional jgk,for ur info smuanya dh settle arini jgk.. We all,A+B smua dh dudok together.. lepas prasaan,dendam kesumat slama ni! Tp xla smpai tarik2 rambut kan.. hehe :P

At last, we all found da 'main problem'.. akar umbi tu ha... Fuhh penat la!! Then,Alhamdulillah everything was fine.. we all back in one team.. no more A.. B.. skrg yg tinggai hnya la MBB PTS!!

Thanks again Intan..