Sunday, November 16, 2008

.November+School Holidays=Kenduri Kahwin's.

Oh my, this month will be pack of wedding invitations.. of course it was in a school holidays kan!! From the first week until end of the month, there will be a few of 'kenduri kahwin' to be attend!!

I already said to Zura..., "Dalam sebulan nie no need to masak la jawabnya..!! Kita makan nasi kenduri ja..!!" hehehe, suka Zura!!

So from the first week lagi, we already attended the best 'girlfriend' of Zura.. they are a schoolmate and neighbour to Zura and her family. Liza and Ehsan, they getting married last week and it was held at Masjid Bayan Baru. Their wedding reception will be held another one weeks time on 22 & 23 November at Baling and Bayan Lepas here.

Then, this week we attended Zura's cousin 'akad' ceremony at Masjid Negeri.. Lan and her wife had been 'knot the tie' in a ceremony around 11am. Alhamdulillah, selamat dah..

So, for next week plak on 23 November his brother.. Azmi will take the same place to perform the 'akad' ceremony with his fiance! Huh, then another weeks after that mean.. on 29 & 30 November will be held their 'kenduri' together.. Seronok makLang Limah dapat 2 menantu sekali ya...!!

Me and Zura didn't decide yet either we are going or no to their 'akad' ceremony because it was clash with Liza and Eshan wedding reception..

So, kita tunggu and lihat ok..

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