Thursday, July 30, 2009
I thought i just 'main2'!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Film director Yasmin dies..
pic-during 60 earth hour..
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dunia 'NurKasih'

Monday, July 20, 2009
Susah cari kasut Kaum Wanita!
So after she fikir punya fikir, decide sekejap yang itu.. sekejap yang ini.. We went to Metrojaya Island Plaza, because she say that over there maybe have what she needed. Pusing.., then round again n again! At last, try 1 or 2 different type of shoes.. she said, "Tak berkenan la! Nanti susah, cepat pecah pulak..!" Keluar la kami berdua dari Metrojaya tu without buy nothing... Ffuuhhhh

Next day on Sunday, early morning lagi Zura already wake me up from the bed. She said wanted to go to Queensbay and looking for Crocs... Ha!! Crocs..? Cantek ka that shoes? Oklah.. sayang punya pasal, i just follow her wish lah..
"Miss, u want to put some flower here.. maybe can put 2 different colour." Alamak, habis la aku. The salesgirl tu pulak tengah promote yang bukan-bukan dekat Zura. But,

If let say you guys got any opinion on shopping for women's footwear.. yang tahan lasak+comfort wear.. dont' forget to share with us, Zura expecially!!

Friday, July 17, 2009
-Bersama MBB-
All tis photo was taken during a rehearsal b4 our RM come to PTS (early morning) & a full session wit our RM (Region Manager)-En.Abdul Rashid today evening.. Abis sampai koi 830pm la jugak hmmm ;P
He plan for coming to PulauTikus actually to brief all of us on his mission for region P/K/P:-
Before he give a briefing, there's also a few program tat we all already prepare for him. Nie la time kitaorg smua nyanyi da song "Bersama Maybank". Da lyrics written by who..?
Haha.. :P it was me la!! Soo shamed..! But guess wat, i got a credits by all da boss tau. Shhuut..Rahsia..!! After tat, we also celebrating my boss besday. Suppose her birthday was on next week, but bcoz of she wil be on leaves tat day..; so we decide to make her suprise today jugak!! Then there were also a session on giving prizes to a few staffs tat present as a 'leadgenerator'. (but not me la.. lg sket ja!)
Pastu baru la makan time! Sembang2 wit each other, then only da briefing started. We were really enjoy wit his briefing, siap ada a few video clips lg! Cam xpenah tgk plak klip2 movies yg dia bawa such as:, "Man of Honor".., We Were Soldiers; .. Fuhh ada yg really touching, make us feel so semangat tuhh!!
Thanks Boss, hope we all can work into one good+perfect team as a MAYBANKERS!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Nama pun BOSS!!
Every moning, x sah klu branch xdak morning briefing! Everyday.., nowdays sharp at 845am, w/out intercom (moning call) for all staff. Automatic we all know tat there wil be a briefing.. Even each time briefing, ada sj la topic yg dia bgtau! I'm not sayin tat im complain about all tis.., just to impress my feelin on her!
She soo wanted to do someting on tis PulauTikus, signature branch! She's showing tat she can bring a new environment to da branch n all da staffs.. Good what!! Tat one i really agree.. :B Da latest:- we wil having tis TSS (Tactical Sales Simulation) programme tat wil be held nex week at da branch. Kononnya org HR nk turun mai Penang! She planned to show a teamwork by da all staffs, try to create a fun+cheerful room between all of us.
Ppl, read down.. :-
Woowoo Kami bekerja bersemangat membara!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
MJ WareHouseSale

9 to 12 July 2009
Metrojaya Warehouse Sale - Penang
Up to 70% Off
Big Brands, Small Prices!!
9 to 12 July 2009
Metrojaya Warehouse Sale - Penang
Up to 70% Off
Big Brands, Small Prices!!
Products Offered
Cosmetics & Fragrances
Home Essentials
and more
Time : 11am to 830pm
Actually i already know bout da sale's since las week when saw da banner along da road. Tis moning, after havin my bfast at home.. i planned to go to da tailor wit my mum (anto kain nk buat bj 'raya'!!). OTW back, i right through drive to PISA.. hmm y not kn, mayb lookin for baju tuk ari raya jugak.. :B
We arrived there around 1155am, MasyaAllah... org dh pun ramai!! Then ujan some more.. Tat time baru sejam after opening time, parkin pun dh penoh. Semua byk CA YA NUN ALIFF la.., sapa lg! Diaorg nie xreti dok kat umah ka, adoii sesak ngan depa ja.. All da handbags cannot be enter inside da place, so they cover wit plastic bag n tie it! N each cust had given a big plastic shopping bag like IKEA bans Plastic bag.
There a lot of products offered such as apparels, baby, bags, beauty, children, cosmetics, departmentstore, fragrances, furnishings, home, household, ladies, men, shoes.. (opps, xdak la..).
After 1 1/2hours over there.. try to fitting wat i wanted.. so i got for myself EIC blouse+pants at only RM70 for tis 2items. My mum plak, she get for herself brassiere (Audrey lg tu...) at 70% discount tau! And da major part, we both get for ourselves a handbags- Emanuelle for 50% discount. Waah, know wat.. actually my las shoppin' on handbag was bout 2years ago.. before i get married! Haha, tis time i suddenly catch sight of 1 stripe handbag...?!! Yess.. dpt pun :B
For Ery, tidak dilupakn.. i buy for him a Jeep shirt at only RM29++. Nk beli pants kat dia, better he go n shop for himself la.. (c***wet sket..) my husband nie orgnya. Look someting for my father too.., tp my mum said better she come along wit him. Choose sndri.. Though tat d sale wil be end by tomorrow, but it has b extend until Monday- 13 July'09. So hurry up for Penang members.. before it ends!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We when there after Maghrib together wit us is my sis Zarin+abgRahim. OTW, we already trapped in tis heavy rain. So sudden actually.. da rain was fallin down w/out gave any warning!! :P Fuuhh... Basah kuyup la jugak. We did try da western foods, of course abgRahim wil order his fav "ChickenChop+MushroomSauce".. Sis Zarin wit her "Fish&Chips"! Ery, he did try a new menu.. "ChickenBBQ" and so do i.. i try someting called "Dory Fish wit ButterSauce". Bout da taste... it was sooo pleasant!!
Bcoz its still rainin, so tat y we hav a plenty time to enjoy our foods. I suggest, Y not frens, if u dont really know where to hav a nice foods at a new place.. go & try over here! Not only a western foods, there's also NasiAyam la.., CharKoayTeow.. Penang Cuisine(MeeJawa;CucurUdang etc..). Da price..? Really generous!!

Ery's meal- ChickenBBQ

Tis goin' to be my fav..; *Dory Fish wit ButterSauce*
Disturb dia makan..

4 of us *wink*
Sunday, July 5, 2009
**On Going
This month, dah pun masuk bulan Rejab.. Hari tu, last week when was fall on 1st Rejab.. sempat la berpuasa sama-sama dengan Zura. Zura said, puasa la.. at least for refresh back before Ramadhan right??! Sighs.. Talking about Ramadhan, next month will be the fasting month. Cepatnya rasa..
Nothing much to say, hoping that this coming Ramadhan will give all of us 'cahaya'-Nur Ramadhan from ALLAH S.W.T! For all our good works, good deed will be appraise by HIS blessing.. InsyaAllah, Amin!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
ITs her BDay!!
"Are, nex week wil b her buffday la! So, wat we gonna get for her..?"
Ala, forgot la plak :p Wonderin' jgk wat we gonna buy to 'disturb' her. As we agree.. hmmm we choose to buy her someting tat anomaly...;
Yess idea.. La Senza!! Yes.. :B
How 'cruel' we're kn..