He already had booked da tikcets since las month, askin' me n Ery to join them too.. Ala... ni part yg paling xbest nie. Me n Ery wanted to go too, but seems Ery just took a long leaves for las week right.. (P.Perhentian punya pasai..) so we had to forget bout it la.. :P 

taken during F1 - April'09
I know who's goin' to be da most xcited person..; Syazwan la.. my nephew! He was soooo enjoy if we talked bout car.. racing car la of course!! Tis time plak, of course laa he wil be more enjoy..
1) cars again
2) lookin' forward to take photo wit all those Japanese model's (gadis litar imported from Japan kn!!)
Tis time also he wil have his 'tokwan' as company, so lg 'sakan' la Syazwan ya... Hav fun ok, enjoyzZZs!! For 'opah' + Mummy + Syasya + Dayana, tink they wil just stay at home.. doin 'gurrlish' stuffs la kot!

hmmm.. kena kepit ye!!
Me n Ery plak, we did plan on a few tings..;
1) I wanted to go to Pulau Aman, dh 25++years old pun stayin here in Penang but i never been there. They said it has a nice 'kampung nelayan' view, makan sedap (mee udang) n fresh seafoods + cheap to buy!
2) My sis in law did ask us to buy a birthday present on behalf of her to give to her hubby on tis comin birthday nex week- 24/6/09!! So we plan on buyin' 'perfume' set after gets some opinion on herself!! (Dia yg nk bwk kuar cash kan..) hehehe :]
4) Stayin' at home, I masak on tis weekend or otherwise i just masak nasi ja.. Ery beli lauk yek :P
So.. tgk la camna nnt ya..
best jugak kan.. tapi, what to do!!
Ery kena sacrifice sikit laa... kena tahan jugak niat di hati, cuti dah makin <....
its ok.. we wait 4 da nex race..on Oct ok!!
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