Last pose from Mr Khoo
Huihh.. las month & tis month it seems like a transfer month for everybdy!! Within 2weeks sj, there's a 2 of my officer hav to be transfer to other branch. Not only cause of their performances, its also bcoz of short of staff (other branches). Pasni, there wil b another trf plak for a new O2.. tnggu la!! :P
And so for today it was a las day for my O1 n also known as my Remittance Officer, Mr Khoo Seng Leem! Actually, he already got da trf letter since las month. Then, it was delay for another 2weeks.. until la today!!
Since i had worked wit him, for me Mr Khoo was a very nice person.. always cakap Malay one!! He's a one of da xperience officer tat had worked wit Maybank for over 20years.. For Mr Khoo, i wish u all da best+gudLuck.. n thanks for all ur support!
So, tis evening b4 everybdy gone back.. we all had a light 'makan-makan' just to celebrate his farewell.. So long... So well!!
Makan time...
Nice face of Kama
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