Ystrday, beside we all heard bout a tragic death of MJ.. my workin day also had to be continue wit da staff meeting!! Hemm nmpak gayanya blk lmbt lg.. As u all needed to know jugak, my branch havin a new MSS.. previously she's from Queensbay Mall branch. Now she wil b replace my x-Boss En.Hazri tat had been transfered to Kangar, Perlis.We started da meetin around 630pm after everbdy request to have 'makan' first.. Not only i'm havin rice, ealier also.. me, Hanna & KakZana had bought BigApple from GurneyPlaza.. So bcoz of rsnya dh lama xpekena tis donuts, we all had it as a dessert! 
My colleague, AbgJamil ask everbdy to 'makan' first!!

And when da meetin was start.. it was continue until laa... pukoi 815pm!! Like from wat i know, its true laa when people tellin tat "If u hav a woman as a BOSS, u wil find tat everytings wanted to be fast+perfect!!" She's tellin us tat she'a a kind of person tat always doin' work in a fast way.. cakap pun fast jugak tau!! A higher expectation tat she's givin to us also makes everybdy feels hesitate.. either its for herself or for da whole branch..?!! We'll see la yaaa.. ",)
Boss, Ms.Jill & AMSS, Ms.Lim.. dua2 women's power!!

Wat do u want for ur branch..? List it..

B4 da meetin was end, they had made a new selection on Staff Fund Committee.. At las, i also was selected as a secretary for 09/10..!
When time to go back, Ery had pick me up at da opis. Cian dia, didn't hav yet his dinner n he wanted to hav nasi dalca at Pitt Street. Even just using 'kreta roda tiga', but i can say tat da rice+ayam masak gulai+ayam goreng was so nice!! Tis Nasi Dalca Rahim was quit popular at Penang n 5***** stars i giv it to u mamak for da nice foods n xlupa teh tarik kurang manis uuuu ok!!

muka org lapar tnggu nasi..
1 comment:
ooo.. now dah jadi commitee balik ya..
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