Ok, tis is continuous 'breakin news' from previous entry by Ery.. cewahh!! Its bout da haze tat had been attack violently Penang (huihh bunyi cam serius ja ya..) ..; when i wake up tis moning.. from my house i can see clearly tat da outlook of da haze was still strong!! Tis photo was taken around 815am.. 
c..! Told u..
From wat i had posted in earlier entry, though i wanted to spend my weekend wit Ery @Pulau Aman right..?! And so, bcoz of da haze problem.. we dcide to postpone da xtivity n plan mayb nex time we can go along wit all our family members! After Suboh tis moning, we called up Ery's sista n her husband to join us having breakfas together2. We also had planned to go n buy da besday present for her husband in front of him..!!But how? Ha.. we already plan+told her n pura-pura in front of AbgRahim by sayin' tat i'm goin to find a gift for my colleague.

We had our breakfas at BukitAyun, da way to Airport... having 'roti bakar'+2 half boil eggs. Da bes part at tis place was there were people sellin' da "king" of fruits.. durian beb!! Wah.. u can choose, open n straight eatin there...

nak jgk, but tinkin' of da weather.. trus xmau, takot demam!!

-Layan newspaper-
Dh kenyang, we move to Gurney Plaza.. At first, though wanted to go to Island Plaza. Then after tinkin' back, i said y not we go n find it @Parkson Gurney (byk choice). Yang besnya.. me, Ery n Sis Zarin had good perform in a play. Kira camni la..
Me :- "Eh, nk beli yg mana yek.. Bau smua bes nie..??!" (Dalam tangan.. ada GioArmani, SeanJohn-Unforgivable..)
Ery :- "Ha.. yg nie bau sedap, suit for men..!" Showin' da SeanJohn..
AbgRahim :- "Tak bes, bau xkuat sgt!!"
Pulak..! Sis Zarin looked at my face, helehhh :P Then we go to another kiosk, try on Issey Miyake..
Me :- "Tis one cam ok ja.." Smells on Limited Edition Issey Miyake-Intense
Sis Zarin :- "Akak xtau la nk pilih sgt!!" (Kononnya..) "Try tanya Ery or AbgRahim, psai nk bg kat lelaki kan.." Iyolah tu..
Me :- "Colleague Are nie dia hisap rokok tau, so.."
AbgRahim :- "So tis one ok dh.. bau pun mmg kuat, tambah for men yg isap rokok.. they usually need a strong smell on prefume tau!!"
Hehehe.. At las, we all got his taste!!
Nex, we gonna wait until his besday on tis comin' 24/6 to give it as a besday present from his beloved wife!! Eh, tp on 24/6 tu fall on 1st Rejab tau.. so y not jgk everybdy kita brposa ramai2... Dapat jgk buat amalan pahala kan!!!

*AbgRahim & Ery*

[Me & Sis Zarin]