Tuesday, February 7, 2012

my 14month-old baby!!

Ok nak crita sket ni... skrg ni my Dhia is fascinated by how things work & is getting better at grasping and manipulating things....learning and copying akan mmbuatkan Dhia btoi2 sronok dlm byk hal! Salah satunya during kat dapoq....opening and closing cabinet doors!! Really bring endless enjoyment la kat Dhia...

Jenoh la opah dok angkat smua botol2 garam, gula...kluaq dr kabinet!! If not klu, abislah smuanya pecah nnt...But some things won't come easy at first and her smiles of pride will alternate wit tears of frustration.. xleh la bg muka sgt, sok2 Dhia try nk wat lg jgk. Adoi..feenat la jgk!

One more thing, nowdays ramai yg tegur Dhia nampak surut berat badan!!

Worries about her weight.....

Do i have wonder whether my Dhia is in a healthy size? Gulp... :P

Some people say even ur baby seems chubby, remember that she's still built like a baby and will slim down as she grows taller and begins to walk and run more....Hmmm mmg la Dhia nowdays amat aktif brjalan...tangan tak dok diam, brgerak merata!! Tapi Alhamdulillah, selera makan Dhia tetap ada, makan pa ja yang are bagi.. minum susu still 5-6oz for every 2hours...

She may take in fewer calories than she expends. She may also lose weight if she comes down with a bug...But its ok for me and ery! We learned tat she's growing up, as long as she keep healthy..tu dh cukop ok bagi kami as her parent!! Ngeeeee....

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