Monday, May 24, 2010

Back Dated Memorable...

Tis a few stories tat i 'OWE' u guys since last month!! Hehe.. So to make it short guys... tara... crita brdasarkan gamba2 ya!!

On da 1st April, im having my TeamBuilding course at Maybank Learning Center Bangi! During tat time, Ery still in Penang..working!! Tp camna pun.. he tetap taking his bus to KL late nite semata2 coz esok tu da start first day for F1... haha :p

We glad to meet Ery's fren, Hairy and his wife Shahriza!! During tat moment, Hairy's wife dh mmg sarat sangat mengandung.. Skrg pun his wife dh slamat brsalin on 30th April, baby boy!! Congratulations to both of u for their new bundle of joys... Uncle Ery and Aunty Zura pun xp tgk u lg since u born.. **gulp**

On 30th April jugak, me new nephew had born!! Kira anak ke-4 for my beloved brother Che Zul and my sister in law, Dahlia... Get his named, Aiman (yg brtuah)!!! We get a chance's to meet him for da first time, bila tengok Aiman trasa tat he has his brother.. Syazwan look's like la.... Acu rindu smua!!

During 15th May, my branch MBB Pulau Tikus did organized an xtivity for a half day some sort like a teambuilding at da Flamingo Hotel beach area. Everybody was so xcited nk compete each other during da games session.. Are xmain la, dpt xcuses!!! :P

All of us had a really gud time.. gud foods (lunch buffet) of course sampai 'termonyeh monyeh kekenyangan' and lagi satu everybody had enjoyed themselves.. idup MBB PULAU TIKUS!!

And of course, tidak ketinggalan bout myself... my pregnancy!! To share with u all, since brbadan dua nie.. all my fav have to put a side and there's a thing yg dulunya xbrapa suka now jd addict la plak..!! Tambah2 yg nie:-

* Air masak, air suam- Xsedap langsong, xleh nk telan pun... so kna air yg brperisa baru sedap!

* Tauge- Tah la.. skrg nie nampak tauge cm semcm ja.. asal makanan ada tauge, i will make sure it have to be seperate first!!

* Ais- Dulu, im not an ice cube type person! Skrg, klu ada ais.. lg rasa best ja air tu..jgn marah ya Ery!

* Gosok gg- Hahahaha... :P tis should be a very hard routine of da day for me. Adoooiii.... punyalah payah nk menggosok gg nie ha, tambah2 bila nk gosok lidah!! Pasti diriku akan trasa nk terkluaq smua isi perut yg ada.... huaaaaa hu hu hu!! :(

* Sup- I used to be more into 'sup' rather than pedas!! But skrg, i hated soup.. bg la sup ayam ka, daging ka.. cm nmpak puteh sup tu lagi trasa payah nk ku telan!! :P

Prrrggghhh.. i hope all tis can be last a.s.a.p... not tat im blaming myself or da baby inside!! Just tat, now only i know how da feel and physically 'act' to be a mummy!!

P/S:- me n my baby are goin for our 1st scan tis Saturday!! Hopefully everything going to be ok..., paling penting adalah da baby was in a good condition.. and also my condition!! InsyaAllah...

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