Saturday, February 6, 2010

Keta masok WorkShop¿¿

Aduuis, headache.. headache!! Tis moning im da one who's driving da car.. Lama rsnya tak drive, asyik Ery ja. We supposed to have a breakfast before planned to go to da Times Square. Nk dijadikan crita, when i was syiOk SyIOk driving.. smpai ja kat round-about Bayan Baru.. suddenly keta 'brgoncang haa..'!! Bunyi pun kuat.. :P

Trus Ery ask me to stopped da car at da nearest place.Actually lucky jugak coz it suddenly happen. If let say im already drive halfway along da Jelutong Express Highway.. perrghh!! Jawapannya tolak keta la time tu kot. Or otherwise, have to call for tow car la!! Siap la nk kena charges pas nie.. :(


My dear Gen.. i suppose to see u next week ok. Be good..!! Really hope 'you' gonna be fine, be more powerful n plzzz pls pls hopefully 'you' r not making anymore "sound"!!


jajarina said...

ala, ciannyer.. Gen akk tu sje jek taw.. x kasi can akk and hubby jolly2.. hahaha
sabaq naaa =)

arezura said...

hua hua hua!! Tu la, dh la nk cuti CNY nie.. arrgh, nmpak gayanya naik bas jlah!!

ery@zainy said...

Duduk umah jelah Che Azura ya!!