Friday, January 29, 2010

miss THEM

"Opah, bila nk dtg umah Syasya.. Klu opah dtg sini, opah jgn tido bwh ya.. bilik bwh tu ada anai2!!"
Tats wat my mum told me between her phone conversation wit Syasya! Rindu plak Acu diaorg nie kat budak Syasya sorg tu.
Syasya is my niece, daughter to my da only 1 brother. My last 'catching' with Syazwan, Syasya n Dayana was during da GrandPrix time.. meaning to say tat was on last October laaa!!
Skrg rasa cam nk drive ja blk KL, jumpa diaorg.. Acu rindu la korang. Naik bas la dtg Penang.. bleh ka?!! Kena colik plak kang haa.. ",)
Tis time, my 3 stooges have to stay with their 'embah' & 'nenek' kat Bkt Beruntung.. seminggu jgk la bcoz of my brother have a business trip to China.

Actually every year if he have to go to anywhere.. usually, he will bring da whole family with him. But this time maybe bcoz of my sista in law was 6months pregnant.. so he had to go alone la!!
Cian bdk2 tu... xdak 'dada' di rumah yg nk kena buli dgn u all.. Lega 'dada' ya di sana!!
Acu hope to see u guys a.s.a.p... cuti pun byk lg ni, masih di awai thn! Acu will plan my leaves together with Paksu first!! As u promise AbgSyazwan, u gonna take me to da Petrosains kan?!! Hmmm Acu still keep tat promise..!! Lama dh Acu pun xp PetroSains tu ha..
And not to forget, Acu pun xsabar nk jumpa 'baby' baru on April nnt..! *wink* suke!!
P/S:- KakDahlia.. Are hope tis time is a boy, so tat AbgSyazwan ada 'geng' nnt!! Hehe :P

1 comment:

ery@zainy said...

Tadi pagi dah cakap talipon dengan Syasya, Dayana!! Ok la tu...