Tuesday, January 21, 2014

When Emir turns 10mths

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُ

Hi smua, we're almost in da end of January. MasyaAllah...pejam celik, pejam celik trasa cepat sgt masa brlalu! It's been 10mths since i gave birth to Emir. And yeaaa...of course Emir pun dh 10mths old la jgk kan!!!

When does my newborn baby changed to be a big baby already?!! Such a sweet memories to be remember la...since tat, no more cry sound like a newborn...sket2 brtukaq jadi sora garau dh haaa!! Hehehe...

So for post today, i wanted to tell about Emir's progressive & developments. On how his doing now...wat he can do and so on! I don't have official statments for Emir tis month but i'm guessing tat he is little over 22lbs & about 28.5inches. He's still wearing size L for diapers but we have finally retired all of his 3-6 month clothes...lolsss!!! Mana nk simpan xtau baju2 yg xleh pakai dh...lemari xmuat la nnt ni!!

Emir are now wearing 6-12month clothes & some 12-18months. I'm no longer bf Emir since he was 7mths. Elok pas start solid foods ja, Emir dh xmo nyonyot! Maka...susu pun kurang dan trus xdak! Now he is fully fm for at least every 4hours & eating meals ikot time my mum will give him since my mum yg take care of him during my working days. Emir pun not a picky eater at all & will eat pretty much anything i give him. Emir sket2 pun have moved away from purees & now mostly eat finger foods. Even nasi pun are dh xlenyek betoi2 dh, sebijik2 trus masok mulot jaaaa!!

Emir now have 10teeth, 2 more anytime will come out & he very love to show them off! Teheeeee..."saya dh ada gg siong"

Nasib jgk dh stop bf, if not...adoi!! Nangeh mama everyday!!! :p

Emir oso have gained such better control of his body tis month. He nowdays can crawling incredibly fast & pulling up on everything with ease. He will let go for long periods of time and he are able to sit down easily & stand up on his own knees. Good job baby boy...oh bukan, big baby boy!!! Lol....

Emir love to walk behind his walker & can do it without any help. Nowdays dh xmo dudok dlm walker sgt dh, susah kot nk brgerak dlm walker tu. He is able to stand for about 30 seconds at a time & he took 2 steps towards me a few days ago. Naaaa...nk bleh dah, cuma malas ja!!! 

Emir have become such a talker. He can constantly talking as if u're really carrying on a conversation. Heheee...bababaaaa mamamamaaaaa tatataaaaa...conversation in his own language la kan! Tp paling sronok bila nk gerak kakak Dhia p skolah pagi2. Yessss...emir mmg kuat sound effect dia bila time tu. Siap ngan tangan2 gerak kakak suwoh bgn nk p skolah! 

Emir have learned two new signs tis month. Dh pandai clap hands ngan buat high-5!! Yeaaaa...krenyeh smpai telinga sronok bila kata pandai!!! 

Tp Emir mmg manja more to ayah. Nampak ja ayah, msti nmpak cam kucing nmpak makanan!! Trjerit2 panggil si ayah. Tidoq pun kira kena tangan si ayah. Haiiii la Emir...

Every single day ur ayah & mama ni will talk about how much u're growing la Emir!! Well, hello baby boy....yessss u're growing too fast!!! Fuhhhh jenoh ayah ngan mama nk ligan!!! Baby E, u are quite da little charming wit da toothy grin & fake laugh tat u have suddenly mastered. 

Emir sayang... ayah, mama & kakak Dhia; we love u more than words could ever say! Happy TEN months old son!! Mmmmuuuaahhhh....

Till here...


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