What It Is
A C-reactive protein (CRP) blood test is used to identify inflammation or infection in the body.
C-reactive protein is released into the blood by the liver shortly after the start of an infection or inflammation. CRP is an early indicator of these problems because its levels usually start to rise in the blood before symptoms, such as fever and pain, appear.
Why It's Done
Doctors may order the C-reactive protein test if symptoms suggest any kind of inflammation, particularly related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), arthritis flare-ups, or an autoimmune disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.
It may also be used to detect infections in vulnerable patients, such as those who've just had surgery. The CRP test also may help determine whether treatment for any of these conditions is working, because CRP levels drop quickly as inflammation subsides.
Salam guys...happy CNY to all Chinese readers & bloggers. How do u guys celebrate u guys punya holidays...?!! Swonok naaa...me?!! Naaaaa....no no no!!
I've been shocked with my dotter's condition...!! Dhia dh pun start demam since las week lagi. Kami bwk dhia p klinik bila dia cakap yg dia sakit telinga. Then start pada tu her fever on off increase & discrease!! Bila mlm ja, demam temperature pun nek. Da doc bg obat demam ngan antiB, tp xbrapa jln! At 1st we thought obat tu smua akan ok ja ngan Dhia, but we are wrong. Pastu dok egat jgk mayb all da medicines xsuit her.
Then smpai ari Rabu, she still ngadu sakit telinga. Pas blk kja, mlm tu jgk me & Ery bwk dhia p PanMedic. Da doc oso said nothing serious ngan telinga dhia, no any infection nanah ka pa ka...kami blur & risau!! Mmg jadi risau dibuatnya. Dhia jd cm lemah, xmo mkn obat...xmo even mkn or minum milo susu cam slalu.
Adoiii...are sndri plak nk amek el xleh, xcukop staf di opis. Kan tat time dh stat smua dok amek cuti for CNY, takkan are nk el jgk...ceewaahh!! Sgt....no...kesian kat my colleague yg xcuti jgk kan, ada la teamwork spirit sket! Yessss anak mmg penting, tp klu leh tolerate sket...are ok!!! Ery pun paham...
Smpai la khamis ptg pas blk kja tu, Dhia mmg totally down. Merah muka2 jd nya...amek temperature tgk, alaaaaa dh 39.2!! Mmg xleh tnggu dh...trus drive mai Pantai la jwbnya!! Dh la mlm raya, doc2 Chinese for sure tgh dok reunion ngan family smua. Siaplah....
Sampai kat sepital, when da emergency doc take her temperature again...it's reached 40!!! Adoiiii susahnya hati ni....trus depa jolok masok obat tru her back & suwoh Dhia bukak baju dan lap ngan ayaq sejok!
Ya Allah...Tuhan saja yg tau masa tu are ngan Ery rasa cmna! Sambil dok p register tu sambil dok brdoa istigfar byk2 moga2 condition Dhia xsetruk mana. Da doc then tell us tat it's up to us either we want Dhia to be admitted or not. But bila diingatkan blk, dh hampir seminggu demam xkebah bagai...better we let da doc do their checkup on her.
So...if u guys baca petikan di atas yg are copy dr google tu, tulah yg happened to Dhia. On my next post nnt, are akan crita da whole story regarding her admission to da hospital ok.
Chowwwww...(still kat sepital lg masa post ni ditulis)!!
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