As usual, banyak jugak HOT story yang TIDAK di'update'.. Asal nak update, nak buat benda lain! Asal nak mengadap desktop, mata pulak dah mengantuk!! Apa lagi.. disorongkan bantal la!

This all happen when we both, me and Zura just finished attending Kama's engagment (kenduri)! Try to start engine.. tak boleh! Second trying pun sama.. Thought that maybe engine sejuk ka kan, so i try one more time.. *hampeh**
No choice, ask Zura to call up Kama asking for help. Nasib baik ada 'jumper' dalam bonet kereta, well at least dapat la 'perhidup' enjin sat before get the mechanic to change the battery..!! Thanks to Kama for helping us that afternoon..
Bulan lepas sampai bulan ni our car kira macam tukar semua benda baru la!! That day, time kena tukar the whole 'piston'.. dh kena nearly 4k. Now cost us 2++!! Semua itu duit...!!
So Zura, this year no any vacations ok!! Delay sampai next year pulak :P Tu pun kalau ada budget, terlebih sikit.. hehe
OH NO... no vacation?!! Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :p
nice blog..;)
Einaz ;D.. tq!!
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