I will be drive to KL together with my parents, kebetulan my mum nk stay kat umah my brother.. yelah kan my sister in law pun dh nk brsalin on tis coming April! Bila2 masa ja pun dh pasni... So my mum akan trus stay kat sana, then next week i will be back to Penang only with abah.. n Ery, should be la!!
Actually, Ery will not goin with me coz cuti dia agak trhad!! But.. macam mana pun he will take a bus on Thursday nite coz xmau ketinggalan for da event starting on Friday kan.. Ery kan!!! :P
Siap dh beli ticket bus pun..
And me, after abishh ja my course on Thursday.. i will drive back to my bro house n plan to stay there coz da nex day we all are looking forward to go to Sepang n watch F1!!
See u guys there..
I'll be back next week.. with Alonso pic maybe!! Hehe (jgn harap la...) but who know's..?!!

1 comment:
hey.. thanks!!
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