Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Peranan Civic Manusia

Tomorrow for a new year..; there will be a Quaterly Staff Meeting
after opis hours. Alaaaa blik lambat lg..kna drive sndri plak tu. Tp xpa, makan mlm ditanggung beressszzzzzz!! So siap sedia coz my complain's for tomorrow:-

1) My staff yg suka dok 'invest' .. tp dok tinggai "portion" xtentu hala..!! Xsesuai langsong! Flush please!! NO manace tau..!! Kat toilet bowl tu plak, they didn't even clean up. Kuning ja... Eeiaakkkss, wueekks nk trmontah teman. :P Guys.., u all xdak rasa civic duties ka..?!

2) Feminine Hygiene Units- Toilet Seat Sanitiser
Its been a while since my last on using this sanitisers. Whats wrong boss, why they didn't come and refill & change as usual?!! Arrggh..tau dak, dengaq sini nk bgtau..

Users of toilets often wish there was a quick, easy and hygienic way to clean the toilet seat before using it!! There are other benefits too:-

a. Reduces da risks of infections- ni penting tau, xmau brjangkit penyakit kulit babe!! Eeii.. mintak simpang!!
b. Quick drying solution- xla rasa melekit right..?!!
c. Pleasant fragranced

This is all important boss.. Klu ur staff sakit, MC camna?!!

So tomorrow i will bring up bout all tis matters. Dh xbleh tahan laa...


Fir said...

hi sis.. yup bz sket lately.. nk tutup akaun.. sis pehabaq... hopefully semua sihat... ;-)

arezura said...

Oit... awat hg nk tutop acc plak?!! Dh ada website yg 'dashyat' pa...

Are ok ja.. sihat dh dr selsema! Eh jom la join are dlm fb plak.. dh jarang la lani masok friendster..