It has been a year++ since i started to sicken my feeling tru tis blog together wit Ery! Never though tat we had said it loud wat ever we wanted to tell u guys! 2009 also a year where we both had a lots of happiness and madness!!
The biggest madness issue tat we have to went through is:-
Actually, me & Ery have waiting for almost 1year+ for our new house to be ready! Xsiap2 babe...!! Niat di hati mmg we wanted our money back (down payment-at least..), but seems we really 'jatoh cinta' ngan da house, da area.. Ery also had measure+calculate da sq feet n he said its so worth it to own da property! Kitaorg xpenah pun crita hal nie tru our blog, segan.. malu la umah xsiap2!
Supposed dh bleh masok pun umah baru ni ujung thn 2009, tp.... *&#%#^@&#()*#* Nevermind, kami brsabar.. nasib baik loan xjalan lg! We have decide tat we gonna wait until next February 2010 according to da expiry of da S&P... :(
kosong.. papan tanda ja!

Dear 2010,
Thank you '2009' bcoz u had filled into my daily calendar..
Welcome '2010'.. my count starts now!
InsyaAllah.. kita merancang, Allah maha besar!
sbar ye are..
especially bout 'new person' that insyaalah will come into ur both lifes..sama2 kita doakan..biasalah, utk org y single , sebuk bertanya 'bila lagi?' ..ingtkan dh lepas kawen, soklan cepumas ' bila nak ada anak?'..kalo kita bole tahu bila nak dpt anak xpea jugak kan...some ppl they dun seem to understand..tny ikot dan ja..
cool oke !
Intan.. dont wori actually Are already used to it! Biasa la mulot org susah nk tutop right! =)
InsyaAllah, pasni nie pun Are dh ada jwpan 'mas' tu smua2 yg don menanya nie ha... hehe! Nyway, thanks babe!
InsyaAllah syg, apa yg kita bincangkan & decide.. hopefully this year will get to be arrange nicely! Ery support habis..
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