Wah.. I think the last gathering within this two family was on last Hari Raya days. Since everybody was so busy with own works, family and no time for us to catch up and hanging out ramai-ramai.., so time nie la nak keluar adik beradik plus seronok2 sama!!
Enjoy our moments!!
Before we all 'gerak' time, waiting for AbgZul
Dah ramai org aaa
Dah start dah.. nak 'swim-swim'
Pose "basah"
Ha.. my 2 niece
Tu dia.. Like mother like daughter
Aishehhh.. naik Pirate Ship!!
Sempat lagi nk brgambar sebelom bergerak tu!!
Ha... bab jerit-jerit nie, serah ja kat Zura
At last, my sister nak 'muntah' pulak!! Pening..
Tiger Valley, its only 4years old tu.. besar gila!!
We rent 2 'tandem'.. sempat carry everybody!!
Me & Zura
'MakTok' pun sakan.. nak naik jugak!!
My siblings.. AbgZul, his wife KakIja, Akak Zarina, AbgRahim(my bro in law), Shakirah & Ain
Tetiba 'Abah' & AbgRahim jadi LifeGuard
2org ibu kesayangan:- MakTok & Opah
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