I'm so sure you all will recognize who is this person right..? Jangan marah yee Puan Che Azura, i found it in one of the folder. (gambar lama yang you scan dulu)
Cute what..!! With your short hair, looks so excited showing your 'best' signal mood in front of camera (abah la yang ambil gambar tu kan..?) Time tu kira dah pandai posing-posing la, kira kalau tunjuk sign 'best' tu macam dah cukup pandai Are ya!
From what i know, this photo was taken during you.. abah, mak, MakNgah and her family went to Tmn Buaya S.M Noor somewhere at Telok Intan Perak kot... But today, this place was no longer there.. (dah ditutup tempat tu kan..?)
Nothing so serious.., i just wanted to dedicate this photo to you. Flash back your childhood memory, i get to know your children's time..
And yang paling penting is.., i love's to tease you with your 'best' sign!!
1 comment:
aa'haaa.. oo ni kja Ery ya!!
Where is it haa.. ur pic ngan senapang pjg tu..? siap ngan Rayban AbgZam tu ha..?
Tinkin' of balas dendam time..!!?
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