Da way to go..

My sista in law, u're everywhere sis @Kelantan

After lunch, saja ronda2 area Stadium

Bleh tahan batik dia, x***sive

muka penat, tp maintain..

Cepat, nk masok chalet dh nie

Muka dh lapar..

Best nie.. "Rugi!!" like Ery said..

Parents trcinta

I'm glad finally we reached home las nite..!!
After 3days 2nights @Klantan, it definitely wil be my sweets+horrible flu memories to be remember. I'm sick... I had a bad cough, flu.. n during hite i had a fever!! OMG..! So tension!! Da nite b4 we supposed to stat our journey, i already had a flu. Actually from opis lagi. I thought its only for a while, but wonder why it didn't stopped!
07/03/09(Day 1)
Early moning, we depart from Penang around 6.30am after Suboh. After da Penang Brigde, we using da Lebuhraya BKE Highway. With a slow driving, after 1 1/2hours we stopped at da Grik (kwsn rehat) for breakfast & for 'pee pee'. Then keep on moving until we reached another pitstop (lebih kurang 2jam la pastu..) b4 Jeli. Da day was so hot, i'm feelin' like my whole body was so pain. Sakit satu badan, feel tired and weak. Dengan batuknya.. flu!! I had taken da medicine for flu plus wat they called "IceZone" which is good for make our body turns cold. I just had a sleeps along da way till we arrive...
At 115pm, we arrived @Kota Bharu! Alhamdulillah.. at las smpai jugak sana! Our 1st stop was at area Stadium Sultan Muhammed IV, Kota Bharu for havin' our lunch. Knowing tat we are not from there, some of da them seeing us like 'jakun' sket la.. I'm not sayin' anyting bad, just they're really lookin' us like weird peoples. Betoi, serious.. (tp xmasok ospital la..) My mum lookin' for Nasi Kerabu, but unfortunately.. xjumpa pun. Never mind mak, we'll eat later on jgk nnt..
Then, after everybdy dh kenyang.. Ondaway to our chalet, we visit at Cik Minah Batik for take a look at how da 'kain sampin' tenunan was made! So nice, fine in texture.. Not so long at there, then we straight to P.C.B (Pantai Cahaya Bulan) for check in to our chalet @Perdana Resort. It takes around 1/2hours to reached there.. Da place...? Ok la then da others! I'm not judgin' bout da condition of tat place, but wat i can say.. its only a 'orchid' chalet wit no stars!! Hahaha :=) Bleh la nk buat rehat tido mlm.. Ooops, sounds laser dak..? Have a rest first, i telan another flu medicine together wit da IceZone n had a nice evening sleep. After Maghrib, abah did call to get ready for our outing dinner.
We pass by at Jalan Long Yunus, n see a restaurant named "YATI AYAM PERCIK". We stop to take a look n decide to have our dinner here. Know wat, their speciality was on Nasi Kerabu (plain rice with a bit of fried desiccated coconut, beansprouts, some leaves & gravy) n ayam percik.. at least trlepas jgak kempunan my mum dr tghari td dok cari nasi krabu!! There were also grilled meat, Ayam Goreng Kampong, Nasi Pulut Panggang, local kuihs..
We ordered Nasi Kerabu, Ayam grg Kampong, Ayam Percik, Telur masin.. Pa lg, everybody punya mkn smpai dh lupa org Penang. Xpecially Ery, he managed to finish all his dishes n then continue with mine.. I cannot finish it coz of my sickness, jd xlalu nak makan sgt. Really no appetite.. Even mulut rasa payau, xrasa pa2! "Rugi!!" said Ery to me.. Lohhh pulak :P After makan kenyang, we drived to Wakaf Cek Yeh (pasar malam tat opens every nite). Panjang beb, lenguh kaki jln.
Not so much we making a purchasing here.. I thought goin' to buy a new design on 'tudung bawal', but not even one attract me..! I just bought 'kain sutera batik' for my opismate, Kak Mimi as she order to me before! I'm lookin' for da best price, but it seems not so generous.. everywhere da price range are from RM150-RM380! Wow!! Jalan punya jalan , at last i found n got it for RM99... Other then tat, we all just go trought around da 'pasar malam' b4 went back to our chalet n really had a nice sleeps until da nex moning..
1 comment:
Amboi jalan sakan.Hehe.
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