It was my cousins, Kak Chak engagement day today.. Seems like 10years ago went me, Liza(my best fren) n Kak Chak had our 'kids citcat' on our future wedding plan!! Haahaa, so malu.. Thought tat Kak Chak da one whose goin' to get married first, follow by Liza n then only my turn..! But, wat had happened was another way turn round..!! (Aku kawin dulu..!!)
So today, finally it was Kak Chak turn.. Me n Liza was so hapi coz at las she's no need to grumble on her self n keep sayin' tis.. "pasai pa aku xkawin2 lg, cm xdak org nk kat aku ja!!" Huhh, penat beb bila dengaq camtu. At least Alhamdulillah.. jodoh dia dh smpai!! Her fiance was from Perlis, but he is workin' in da same company wit Kak Chak but base at Seberang Perai. Looks like a good person, hope can take a good care of Kak Chak in da future...
Las, for both of u:-
Kak Chak @ Normazlina & Mohd Riduan - SELAMAT BERTUNANG!!
really loves your mini 'jubah' syg!! tompok2...! tak tau plak ada beli baru, tgk2 dh pakai...
haha..msti la ngancam, sendri pilih tu!! TQ
hi dear, nice jubah u have there... wanna cuci mata with other jubah n tudung? come and visit me at
see you there darling...
thanks pinky, i will!! love too :)
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