Arrggh.. i got confused!! Where r u "my best Fren..?"
I'm waitin' for u.., is it someting's wrong..!! Wat happen..? U make me soo anxious.. nervous+worried, i'm concerned..!!! :(
Just keep waitin' 1st, c wats goin' to happen..!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
She did her Best> :P
Like other weekend, Sunday will be our rest day. We will be at home.. watching tv, I usually will settle my works - Zura will do her stuffs like sweep the floor, wash laundry.. And for today, she will cook!!

Spaghetti(Leggo's sauce with mince meats), Meatballs Cheese and
Steam Vegetables&Sausages
Sounds nice ya..!! We all ate so tasty, lapar jugak dah time tu. So, today for lunch time we ate a healthy and delicious dishes..!!
Thank You Zura Sayang, i really appriciate!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
At Last, Went to Hajaba!!
On yesterday Friday nite me n my sista in law, Sis Zarin did plan on goin' to HAJABA @Sungai Petani. YAHooo.. So tis is da time!! Absolutely i say YEs kan..!!

"Smua skali RM4** ya.." Ha, trsenyap sat.. Imagine, just for 1'jubah'+4'tudung' its already cost u nearly RM5**!! Like i said b4, im goin' to spend today.. So tis is my pay back. But not me, Ery la yg kena 'getahnya..' Jangan marah ya sayang!!

So, tis moning.. around 730am i was awake by a phonecall from my sista! "Ery bgn, akak call tu.." Traba2 Ery try to find where did i put my h/phone. Around 9am, both of them came n fetch us at home. Havin' a b/fast first @Kassim.. then straight we move to SP. Lookin' forward to arrive there within 45mins, i did fall asleep sat!! Haha, Ery said.. "Mana pun, msti nk trlena punya!!"
OM, went we saw da signboard.. i wit assured say tis Ery "I'm gonna spend today..!!" Jangan marah ok.. :P Hehe, he just gave me a nice smile. I love da concept of Hajaba.., went we enter i recorgnise tat da shop was a double story wit all kinds of "Jubah+Telekung" in 1st floor n on 2nd floor for all da "Tudung+Blouse". My sista in law react seems like don't know which one to see first.. So do I!! All da 'jubah' was so nice.. da material of cloths was so in quality.
We went to da 2nd floor first, to see wat they have there.. Ala, nie yg xtahan nie!! There's a lot kind of tudung :- Anak Tudung, Midi Tudung, Pisang Bujur Tudung.. There's a few kind of tis tudung yg ada button on behind. So went we try to wear it, its so easy n nice coz its already fixed into it! Fuiihh i said to my sista in law which 1 to buy nie, nk smua bleh..?!! Ery n AbgRahim just sat on n waitin' for us. Lama jugak la we all kat 2nd floor tu b4 decided which 1 yg nk Dibeli! At las, i choose 4 kind of 'tudung'- color dark brown, abstrak brown, chocolate yellow+purple stripes (tis goin' to be my favourite!!) 2 for me n another 2 for my mum but all wit da button behind.. Senang!!
tis goin' to be my fav 'tudung', purple stripes wit button
Back to 1st floor.., actually i wanted to buy a new 'jubah' for myself. There wil be another wedding's day to be attend next month. So though mayb there's someting nice to buy.. But, unfortunately xdak..!! Not becoz of xdak yg cantik ka, sweet ka. I want it, all are soo nice!! But there's a minus on it.., it bcoz of hanging down, trailing (labuh ke bawah sgt!!) Is it bcoz of my height or their fault, making a 'jubah' for tall person only..?!! My sis did buy 1 'jubah' tat suited for her. I didn't buy anytin, xcept when i saw 1 'jubah' tat looks suite to my mum.. Try on it, macam "Hantu Tonceng" dah nampak gayanya. But da length seems to be ok for her... Trus grab it!
When pay time, sekali lagi unfortunately.. credit card system down!! I ask Ery, "Ery, u got enough m**** dak..? If not, i got sket..!!" Hehe :)
dah beli ye.. bwk beg sorg satu ye!!
After dh abish 'brbelanja', dh kena "getah" smua.. (sori to Ery n AbgRahim) we all went to Restoran Radix Fried Chicken (RFC) Cawangan Sg Petani . It was da 1st Malay Fastfood restaurant tat opened on 1 Jun 2008 n owned by HPA Industries Sdn Bhd. If let say u all want to try a different fried chickens, y not come to SP n try on it..
Dh kenyang..
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Copy from FB
(JUST 2 THINGS. If you opened this, you should do it. Tag the the person who sent it to you and tag more of your friends.)
Two names you are called that are not your real name:
1.Ajula (@opis, chinese staf&cust)
2.Sayang- hehehe :P
Two things you're wearing now:
1. t-shirt (name printed-time kolej dulu2)
2. Tracksuit (bleh pakai smpai esok pg, p jogging!!)
What are 2 of your favorite things to do?
1. A few days in a week- Pas balik keja, me & Ery gonna have 'teh tarik'+ lepak first @TokPa wit my sisin law b4 back home. (a must!!)
2. Tgk crita P.Ramlee- xjemu n xkring gusi!
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. new Jubah..!!(Ery, bila nk p Hajaba kat SP nie..?)
2. Da BodyShop liquid eyeliner shade code03 tat im usin' gettin finish.. had to get a new 1!!
Two of the people who will fill this out and return:
1. Ezzani (xpaksa..)
2. Elyssa (tink she done already..!)
Two things you did yesterday:
1. @opis, keja.. blk lmbt!
2. Mlm kuar, p mkn roti HongKong kat kedai mamak area Komtar then p Mc'D Sunrise-having sundae!!
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Nasi puteh+ayam masak merah.. Rezki, ada org blanja smua Malay staf!!
2. Roti HongKong
Two people you last talked to:
1. My mum (takin' bout AF)
2. Ery.. b4 he left out
Two things you will be doing tomorrow:
1. Klu pg esok xujan, nk p aerobik kat Youth Park.. dh lama xjumpa George!!
2. Petang : strika baju nak kena keja, Monday!! :P
Two favorite holidays:
1. Hatyai- My best places for shoppin+massage time!!
2. Cameron Highlands, byk memories..
Two favorite drinks: (non-alcoholic)
1. Neslo Tarik
2. Java Chip Frappuccino (StarBucks-Tall 12oz) Nice babe..!!
Two names you are called that are not your real name:
1.Ajula (@opis, chinese staf&cust)
2.Sayang- hehehe :P
Two things you're wearing now:
1. t-shirt (name printed-time kolej dulu2)
2. Tracksuit (bleh pakai smpai esok pg, p jogging!!)
What are 2 of your favorite things to do?
1. A few days in a week- Pas balik keja, me & Ery gonna have 'teh tarik'+ lepak first @TokPa wit my sisin law b4 back home. (a must!!)
2. Tgk crita P.Ramlee- xjemu n xkring gusi!
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. new Jubah..!!
2. Da BodyShop liquid eyeliner shade code03 tat im usin' gettin finish.. had to get a new 1!!
Two of the people who will fill this out and return:
1. Ezzani (xpaksa..)
2. Elyssa (tink she done already..!)
Two things you did yesterday:
1. @opis, keja.. blk lmbt!
2. Mlm kuar, p mkn roti HongKong kat kedai mamak area Komtar then p Mc'D Sunrise-having sundae!!
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Nasi puteh+ayam masak merah.. Rezki, ada org blanja smua Malay staf!!
2. Roti HongKong
Two people you last talked to:
1. My mum (takin' bout AF)
2. Ery.. b4 he left out
Two things you will be doing tomorrow:
1. Klu pg esok xujan, nk p aerobik kat Youth Park.. dh lama xjumpa George!!
2. Petang : strika baju nak kena keja, Monday!! :P
Two favorite holidays:
1. Hatyai- My best places for shoppin+massage time!!
2. Cameron Highlands, byk memories..
Two favorite drinks: (non-alcoholic)
1. Neslo Tarik
2. Java Chip Frappuccino (StarBucks-Tall 12oz) Nice babe..!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Preview Time-R.T.W.M
Tis a long week, not so much had we done.. I'm quite busy wit my work, i had to relief Remittance again!! Coz of Sis Z*na takin' her long leaves, cuti skolah kan.. so of course la i had to do all da works on my dept (CA) + clearin :P
Ery also qiute busy wit his works, have to go to Seberang la.. go here, go over there!! See, until tis time also he was at his opis..(21/03/09 @10.39pm) ada keja nk kena settle katanya. Dh xleh nk tunggu till Monday dh! Loh.. but wat to do :P
Previously, today we had go n watched a movie.. "Race To Witch Mountain"!! Da film are based on da 1968 novel Escape to Witch Mountain by author Alexander Key. Race to Witch Mountain finds a new ground tat makes it fun n suitable for young children. We did enjoy watchable, even though there's not a moment of suspense in its squeaky clean plot, hahaha!!
Ery also qiute busy wit his works, have to go to Seberang la.. go here, go over there!! See, until tis time also he was at his opis..
Previously, today we had go n watched a movie.. "Race To Witch Mountain"!! Da film are based on da 1968 novel Escape to Witch Mountain by author Alexander Key. Race to Witch Mountain finds a new ground tat makes it fun n suitable for young children. We did enjoy watchable, even though there's not a moment of suspense in its squeaky clean plot, hahaha!!

Sweet tau tis guy
Just for me, Dwayne Johnson's plays out like a kiddie franchise starter kit. (Jgn marah peminat Da Rock!!) But he still have a warmth n star power + some cool effects r fun even when da storyline drags a bit. For me 'Race To Witch Mountain' has heart, humor n a touch of magic.
A new family classic da entire family can actually enjoy. So tis weekend y not spend ur money sket go n watch da movie!!
A new family classic da entire family can actually enjoy. So tis weekend y not spend ur money sket go n watch da movie!!

Eh..? Nie version bila plak nie?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mark Your Calendar-28th March'09

Wondering.., what will happen on 28th March?
28th March 09! It's the day millions of people around the world turn off non-essential lights for 1 hour, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm (local time), to send a powerful global message that we care enough about climate change to take action.
Earth Hour is a fun and easy way for the people of Malaysia to be heard and united.Our actions will impact a strong decision against global warming when the world leaders meet in December 2009 for which they will determine the official government policies for tackling climate change.Kyoto protocol will be replaced....! (oooPPs)
Let’s switch off our lights together for a brighter future. It may not be much but with 1 billion people switching off their lights for 1 hour on 28th March 2009, we are telling our beloved earth that WE STILL CARE. Earth Hour-sign up now!
28th March 09! It's the day millions of people around the world turn off non-essential lights for 1 hour, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm (local time), to send a powerful global message that we care enough about climate change to take action.
Earth Hour is a fun and easy way for the people of Malaysia to be heard and united.Our actions will impact a strong decision against global warming when the world leaders meet in December 2009 for which they will determine the official government policies for tackling climate change.
Let’s switch off our lights together for a brighter future. It may not be much but with 1 billion people switching off their lights for 1 hour on 28th March 2009, we are telling our beloved earth that WE STILL CARE. Earth Hour-sign up now!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It was my cousins, Kak Chak engagement day today.. Seems like 10years ago went me, Liza(my best fren) n Kak Chak had our 'kids citcat' on our future wedding plan!! Haahaa, so malu.. Thought tat Kak Chak da one whose goin' to get married first, follow by Liza n then only my turn..! But, wat had happened was another way turn round..!! (Aku kawin dulu..!!)
So today, finally it was Kak Chak turn.. Me n Liza was so hapi coz at las she's no need to grumble on her self n keep sayin' tis.. "pasai pa aku xkawin2 lg, cm xdak org nk kat aku ja!!" Huhh, penat beb bila dengaq camtu. At least Alhamdulillah.. jodoh dia dh smpai!! Her fiance was from Perlis, but he is workin' in da same company wit Kak Chak but base at Seberang Perai. Looks like a good person, hope can take a good care of Kak Chak in da future...
Las, for both of u:-
Kak Chak @ Normazlina & Mohd Riduan - SELAMAT BERTUNANG!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009

09/03/09(Day 3)
So, today wil be our las day here!! My flu also quite better, no more fever!! After having breakfast n check-out.. our las destination was plan goin' to Rantau Panjang. But b4 tat when on da way- around 20km left, we stop for buy some dodol (according to da sign board on da road).
Alang-alang di sini, don't miss out to see a big building house-2 floor in green color enfold wit gold n been touched by da art landscape fulled wit Siamese elements! Itulah kediaman Hajah Wan Sabariah dan Haji Ismail yang memang cukup trkenal di Kelantan sbg pengusaha serunding n dodol. Even its quite hard to understand wat da owner said, really.. :P but he was so nice n really appreciate all da people tat came to buy his dodol. He also just let other people to watch by ur own how da dodol n serunding was made!! My mum cukop suka la ngan dodol nie.. Borong abis!! N da price also was so cheap..
**600gram for original (gula melaka)-RM3.50
**600gram for durian flavour-RM4.00
**600gram for pandan flavour-RM3.50
Ok, then back to our journey.. Rantau Panjang for me some sort like 'Padang Besar' also! A lot of shops, selling clothes.. shoes.. home instruments, barang2 org nk kawin!! Da town has a duty-free shoppin' area where u can find electronic goods, cigarettes n clothes. Da best ting is-it is da major border crossing between Malaysia n Thailand for the East Coast of Malaysia. Da town on da Thai side across the Golok River which forms da boundary between da two countries is Sungai Kolok. (Golok ka Kolok..? Konfius daaa)
A bridge links Rantau Panjang n Sungai Kolok. Da Malaysian immigration is right in da middle of town just before da bridge. Most people without their own transport walk across da border. For me again, there is not much to see in tis town. If borders fascinate u, take a walk down to da Golok River near da bus n taxi station (walk in between the rows of shops).
U wil b right on da border between Malaysia n Thailand n u wil b able to see how many people, n goods (rice from Thailand, consumer goods from Malaysia), cross da border without da hassles of immigration n customs. All tis goes on under da watchful eyes-MATA2 (well, they wil have to b closing one eye for tis to happen) of da border guards. If u are not from da area, it is advisable NOT to exit or enter Malaysia in such a manner. (pa lagi.. berenang tru sungai la jwbnya!!)
Not so much we spending our 'riyal' here.. Only my mum felt a little bit disappointed, bcoz she tellin' tat @Pengkalan Kubor da home instruments- for plates, bowls all tis kind of equipments are more attractiveness n cheaper. (iya ka..?) Then she thought tat at Rantau Panjang, she can get more better.. but she was wrong!! Wat to do mak.., takkan kita nk patah balik..? "Ambik jelah..!" my father said to her.
After taking our lunch over there- pekena nasi goreng daging merah, wahhh sedap betoi.. we slowly went back to Penang. It so nice to b here in Kelantan!! So many places to go.. so much memories to b remember! I love da shoppin' moment (even soo penat), love da bargains.. Ery telling me tat he was so in love wit 'nasi kerabu'.. da taste was so different wit da one tat we buy from 'pasar malam' here! My parents, they're so in love wit da environments tat not so constructive (membangun-byk masih di tokok lama).
Never mind, tat was some of our tinkin' facts.. I hope soo i'll b back to Kelantan, in good conditions (sehat walafiat, insyaallah).. wit more 'riyal'!! hehe of course..
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

08/03/09(Day 2)
Today Sunday, so everyone whose stayin' here in Kelantan wil be their working n schooling time. (same cam Kedah la ya..) Tis moning seems like i feel a little bit 'dizzy' but still fresh mayb bcoz of havin' a hot water bath. After taking our breakfast at da chalet (bleh la breakfast mmg kureng actually), today we plan to go to a few places. Firstly, we went to da town n decide to go to Muzium Kraftangan (Balai Getam Guri) located in Kompleks Kampung Kraftangan. After a while lookin' at their historic crafts n taking photos, nex we plan to go to Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah area Jalan Pintu Pong. Located in the heart of Kota Bharu, it used to be known as Pasar Buluh Kubu. (Just nearby only..)
In here.. u all gonna be crazy, crazy to buy Keropok.., Kain sutera batik (byk nice2 blaka), pinggan mangkok..! From wat i know, da place had moved to a new building.. (orange color) Da others r still under constructions! Because of da weather was so hot, n my father had a headache.. so we straight to find da 'keropok' shops n we 'Borong' a lot over there. Bukannya pa, ramai kwn2 yg dok memesannya!!
In one place, my mum wanted to buy da 'kain sutera', kain ela.. stop at one shop, she like one of da design n thought of buying. At last, she pick 3 own her choosen n wanted to buy.. Of course, da price was reasonable = RM*10, but we try to bargain more so tat we get RM*00.. but tat guy mati2 xndak bg tat price! Arrghh geram betoi, he said "Tok leh ni kak, ni kiro duit makae nasi.." We only ask for less RM10!! Sampai ke sudah dia xbg..! Never mind la, kesian my mum said..! Hampeh :P Buy on tis n tat, count back n guess wat we already spend around 1K just only at "PASAR" After takin' our lunch, we make our moved plak to Pengkalan Kubor...
Right on da Thai border, Pengkalan Kubor is da immigration check point for tis little used back route to Thailand. During da day, a large car ferry (50 sen for pedestrians) crosses da river over to busy Tak Bai in Thailand. It's a tax-free zone, so da shopping is good if u know how to bargain -- electronic goods, houseware items, n clothes are popular items. Da road from Kota Bharu passes through some of the most traditional villages in Kelantan. Lama la jugak ondaway tu.. But we didn't buy anyting there, just my mum did buy some clothes for her grandchilds. Haiii.. brtuah budak2 tu ya..!! Around 4pm, we went back to chalet n had some rest. We also just had our dinner at da chalet..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Da way to go..

My sista in law, u're everywhere sis @Kelantan

After lunch, saja ronda2 area Stadium

Bleh tahan batik dia, x***sive

muka penat, tp maintain..

Cepat, nk masok chalet dh nie

Muka dh lapar..

Best nie.. "Rugi!!" like Ery said..

Parents trcinta

I'm glad finally we reached home las nite..!!
After 3days 2nights @Klantan, it definitely wil be my sweets+horrible flu memories to be remember. I'm sick... I had a bad cough, flu.. n during hite i had a fever!! OMG..! So tension!! Da nite b4 we supposed to stat our journey, i already had a flu. Actually from opis lagi. I thought its only for a while, but wonder why it didn't stopped!
07/03/09(Day 1)
Early moning, we depart from Penang around 6.30am after Suboh. After da Penang Brigde, we using da Lebuhraya BKE Highway. With a slow driving, after 1 1/2hours we stopped at da Grik (kwsn rehat) for breakfast & for 'pee pee'. Then keep on moving until we reached another pitstop (lebih kurang 2jam la pastu..) b4 Jeli. Da day was so hot, i'm feelin' like my whole body was so pain. Sakit satu badan, feel tired and weak. Dengan batuknya.. flu!! I had taken da medicine for flu plus wat they called "IceZone" which is good for make our body turns cold. I just had a sleeps along da way till we arrive...
At 115pm, we arrived @Kota Bharu! Alhamdulillah.. at las smpai jugak sana! Our 1st stop was at area Stadium Sultan Muhammed IV, Kota Bharu for havin' our lunch. Knowing tat we are not from there, some of da them seeing us like 'jakun' sket la.. I'm not sayin' anyting bad, just they're really lookin' us like weird peoples. Betoi, serious.. (tp xmasok ospital la..) My mum lookin' for Nasi Kerabu, but unfortunately.. xjumpa pun. Never mind mak, we'll eat later on jgk nnt..
Then, after everybdy dh kenyang.. Ondaway to our chalet, we visit at Cik Minah Batik for take a look at how da 'kain sampin' tenunan was made! So nice, fine in texture.. Not so long at there, then we straight to P.C.B (Pantai Cahaya Bulan) for check in to our chalet @Perdana Resort. It takes around 1/2hours to reached there.. Da place...? Ok la then da others! I'm not judgin' bout da condition of tat place, but wat i can say.. its only a 'orchid' chalet wit no stars!! Hahaha :=) Bleh la nk buat rehat tido mlm.. Ooops, sounds laser dak..? Have a rest first, i telan another flu medicine together wit da IceZone n had a nice evening sleep. After Maghrib, abah did call to get ready for our outing dinner.
We pass by at Jalan Long Yunus, n see a restaurant named "YATI AYAM PERCIK". We stop to take a look n decide to have our dinner here. Know wat, their speciality was on Nasi Kerabu (plain rice with a bit of fried desiccated coconut, beansprouts, some leaves & gravy) n ayam percik.. at least trlepas jgak kempunan my mum dr tghari td dok cari nasi krabu!! There were also grilled meat, Ayam Goreng Kampong, Nasi Pulut Panggang, local kuihs..
We ordered Nasi Kerabu, Ayam grg Kampong, Ayam Percik, Telur masin.. Pa lg, everybody punya mkn smpai dh lupa org Penang. Xpecially Ery, he managed to finish all his dishes n then continue with mine.. I cannot finish it coz of my sickness, jd xlalu nak makan sgt. Really no appetite.. Even mulut rasa payau, xrasa pa2! "Rugi!!" said Ery to me.. Lohhh pulak :P After makan kenyang, we drived to Wakaf Cek Yeh (pasar malam tat opens every nite). Panjang beb, lenguh kaki jln.
Not so much we making a purchasing here.. I thought goin' to buy a new design on 'tudung bawal', but not even one attract me..! I just bought 'kain sutera batik' for my opismate, Kak Mimi as she order to me before! I'm lookin' for da best price, but it seems not so generous.. everywhere da price range are from RM150-RM380! Wow!! Jalan punya jalan , at last i found n got it for RM99... Other then tat, we all just go trought around da 'pasar malam' b4 went back to our chalet n really had a nice sleeps until da nex moning..
Friday, March 6, 2009
MisCarriage..? Klante..
Don't wori Ery, wat ever had happened.. i'll alwayz b near u tau, keep smilin'.. keep shining hahaa! Ada rezki, ada la opportunity nk kna angin tmpt kja baru ok my dear! Right now, just focus on ur own work n percayalah.. rezki ada dmana2..!
Today, Friday..! (ok, tis also is bout work, collegue-Dh bejangkit gk la nie...!!) I plan to clean up my department b4 i'm goin' off nex week!! Tuesday, Wednesday.. ha tu kira cantek la kan. Lookin' forward for our nex holidays startin' 2morrow to Klante t.. i tink should be in nice mood n feel release.. My plan on workin' today was :-
1) Do all my filin'..
2) Had to close 1 account
3) Goin' to Burmah House to do SVS
4) Pass my pending works for nex week to Kak Z*na
But guess wat..? Today my collegue, Kak Z*na had an EL.. Ha!! ABISSSHH!!! Alamak, again.. :( I had to relief her wit Remittance!! Ala, so how i'm goin' to do my dept jobs!! Goin' to Burmah House..? Ala... xkan xjd kot!!
I know wat happened to her.She's p**gnant!! Only 4weeks+ but she felt so pain wit her stomach (ari2 actually). She didn't tell anybdy except me. Tis a few days also she already had a MC, take a leave until today.. EL!! Everybdy @opis also kept askin' me wat had happened to her. I only got 1 answer.. "Entah, xlarat kot!!" Finish!!
Then tis moning, there was a 1 problem tat i had to ask her. Its bout her pending work.. There's a FWTT (Foreign Worker Telegraphic Transfer) tat had returned to da cust n da cust came to take da refunded!! I try to call her h/p, 4 times but she had off it.. Askin' her officer, but he told me da same ting.. "Try call R*z*na!!!" Arrrggh, fed up btoi.. :(
Until 1 limit, i told da cust to came back on Tuesday bcoz of i cannot refund her back due to technical error!! (wat else to do, i try to ask other collegues.. but no one knows) It was a new method of refunded!! Alahai.. I FAILED!! Nk marah pun ada, tp nk marah kat sapa kan but i learnin' someting! Just tat i cannot resolve it myself till finish..
After i'm takin' my lunch time, i saw a missed call from my h/p. It was her No.. So sori Sis, i don't know tat u're at da hospital.. She had a 'miscarriage'!! Poor u sis..! She then sms me n told tat she really had da stomach pain like a period pain. N she had a bleedin'.. Again, i'm so have a sympathise on u. Xpalah, xdak rezki tu! Sabar byk2.. Tats only i can say.
At her las sms, she said not to wori.. She'll be back to work as usual on Tuesday. Relief me n try to finish her pending FWTT! She also told me to enjoy my journey to Klante n not to forget da stuff tat she request for.. pa lg, kropok kring la..!! Kain batik xmau ka sis..? Kain sutera ka..? hehe..
Ok, for las.. hope my journey 2morrow moning wil live behind a very sweet memories..! I'm goin' there wit my parents n Ery. Hei, tis is my 1st time tau goin' to Klante! 1st time also for Ery.. It wil be our da fifth "honeymoon" place!! Saja, nk rileks sambil jenguk2 tmpt org. I'll update when i come back on Monday. N to u KELANTAN, here i come!! Happy holidays smua... Kuang kuang kuang XOXO...
Today, Friday..! (ok, tis also is bout work, collegue-Dh bejangkit gk la nie...!!) I plan to clean up my department b4 i'm goin' off nex week!! Tuesday, Wednesday.. ha tu kira cantek la kan. Lookin' forward for our nex holidays startin' 2morrow to Klante t.. i tink should be in nice mood n feel release.. My plan on workin' today was :-
1) Do all my filin'..
2) Had to close 1 account
3) Goin' to Burmah House to do SVS
4) Pass my pending works for nex week to Kak Z*na
But guess wat..? Today my collegue, Kak Z*na had an EL.. Ha!! ABISSSHH!!! Alamak, again.. :( I had to relief her wit Remittance!! Ala, so how i'm goin' to do my dept jobs!! Goin' to Burmah House..? Ala... xkan xjd kot!!
I know wat happened to her.
Then tis moning, there was a 1 problem tat i had to ask her. Its bout her pending work.. There's a FWTT (Foreign Worker Telegraphic Transfer) tat had returned to da cust n da cust came to take da refunded!! I try to call her h/p, 4 times but she had off it.. Askin' her officer, but he told me da same ting.. "Try call R*z*na!!!" Arrrggh, fed up btoi.. :(
Until 1 limit, i told da cust to came back on Tuesday bcoz of i cannot refund her back due to technical error!! (wat else to do, i try to ask other collegues.. but no one knows) It was a new method of refunded!! Alahai.. I FAILED!! Nk marah pun ada, tp nk marah kat sapa kan but i learnin' someting! Just tat i cannot resolve it myself till finish..
After i'm takin' my lunch time, i saw a missed call from my h/p. It was her No.. So sori Sis, i don't know tat u're at da hospital.. She had a 'miscarriage'!! Poor u sis..! She then sms me n told tat she really had da stomach pain like a period pain. N she had a bleedin'.. Again, i'm so have a sympathise on u. Xpalah, xdak rezki tu! Sabar byk2.. Tats only i can say.
At her las sms, she said not to wori.. She'll be back to work as usual on Tuesday. Relief me n try to finish her pending FWTT! She also told me to enjoy my journey to Klante n not to forget da stuff tat she request for.. pa lg, kropok kring la..!! Kain batik xmau ka sis..? Kain sutera ka..? hehe..
Ok, for las.. hope my journey 2morrow moning wil live behind a very sweet memories..! I'm goin' there wit my parents n Ery. Hei, tis is my 1st time tau goin' to Klante! 1st time also for Ery.. It wil be our da fifth "honeymoon" place!! Saja, nk rileks sambil jenguk2 tmpt org. I'll update when i come back on Monday. N to u KELANTAN, here i come!! Happy holidays smua... Kuang kuang kuang XOXO...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Me and Zura, together we're already worked with the company for 5years++! Not saying that we are only stick to one company. Only feel like there are more opportunity out there, right?!!
For Zura, i think she already comfortable with what she's doing now. What makes i feel like that:-
** She had a good@better income..
** Environment of work so peaceful (ya ka, ramai staf jugak tu.. 36org kan Are?)
** Even sometimes she grumble about her work place, but at least she's no need to bring it home!!!
** No 'races' in working.. (pantang betoi) :P
** Tak ambik kesempatan bila BOss tak ada (because byk CCTV kan..!)
And what about me:-
with LT
** Income..? Ok, memuaskan!! Puas hati.
** Here my office, consultant.. there was only 7peoples!!
** Me, sometimes had to bring back my work. Nak kata keja byk tu, tak la jugak.. Just that i prefer to done it at home. So at least Boss mintak saja esok tu, kira dah pun siap kan!!
** Ha.. nie aku feel 'kureng' skit. Bukannya dengki.. Sometimes boleh nampak pa yang tak kena. When i'm trying to do my work, there are staf that not really doing their work. I'm not jealous!! Then, Boss 'hentam' plak kita though kita yang tak buat keja.. kureng betoi!!
** CCTV..? No at all.. So the other staff pa lagi.., when Boss are not in his place, cuti ka.. pegi meeting ka. Yang lagi best kalau Boss pegi work vacation for sometimes.. here, in office they all had watched DVD tau. From one movie, to another.. hiuuhh memang sakan!!
Today, not only today la.. actually since last week lagi because of global economy journal are not so good (maybe la kot kan..), i didn't had a major work to do. Just only the minor things..
Really thinking of searching a new job, better place.. But now are not so easy tau..!! Hope so la, hope still had the chances.. Insyaallah!
For Zura, i think she already comfortable with what she's doing now. What makes i feel like that:-
** She had a good@better income..
** Environment of work so peaceful (ya ka, ramai staf jugak tu.. 36org kan Are?)
** Even sometimes she grumble about her work place, but at least she's no need to bring it home!!!
** No 'races' in working.. (pantang betoi) :P
** Tak ambik kesempatan bila BOss tak ada (because byk CCTV kan..!)
And what about me:-
** Income..? Ok, memuaskan!! Puas hati.
** Here my office, consultant.. there was only 7peoples!!
** Me, sometimes had to bring back my work. Nak kata keja byk tu, tak la jugak.. Just that i prefer to done it at home. So at least Boss mintak saja esok tu, kira dah pun siap kan!!
** Ha.. nie aku feel 'kureng' skit. Bukannya dengki.. Sometimes boleh nampak pa yang tak kena. When i'm trying to do my work, there are staf that not really doing their work. I'm not jealous!! Then, Boss 'hentam' plak kita though kita yang tak buat keja.. kureng betoi!!
** CCTV..? No at all.. So the other staff pa lagi.., when Boss are not in his place, cuti ka.. pegi meeting ka. Yang lagi best kalau Boss pegi work vacation for sometimes.. here, in office they all had watched DVD tau. From one movie, to another.. hiuuhh memang sakan!!
Today, not only today la.. actually since last week lagi because of global economy journal are not so good (maybe la kot kan..), i didn't had a major work to do. Just only the minor things..
Really thinking of searching a new job, better place.. But now are not so easy tau..!! Hope so la, hope still had the chances.. Insyaallah!
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