Dear friends.. (hehe some sort like writin' letter plak ye..)
Wahhh.. its been a week++ after we celebrate our Hari Raya. Sronok beb.. So my 1st Raya tis year i celebrate wit happiness n joy!! I celebrate it wit 2 families..
Me n Ery, we enjoy giving "duit raya" to our parents n of course last but not list our beloved 12 niece n nephews!!! (huih.. brpeloh jgk) But its all seem runnin' so fast!! N i also didn't upate tis blog for almost a week kan..
As im writing up tis post also my bro.. Abg Zul is already thousand feet above sea level flew on his way to Frankfurt, German.. He is on his jobs trip. Together he bring along Akak Dahlia, Syazwan, Syasya n Dayana.. (da whole family la, except TokWan n Opah..xsempat nk siap Visa!!) So they wil b there for 3weeks.. actually only 1week+, but Abg Zul extend da trip..
I hope to hear from u my bro.. sms ka, email ka.. n hope to see u gain after 29th ok!! Have a very nice holidays over there. Of course keja baik2.. Krim pelok cium are for my niece n nephew!!(acu syg korang tau..)
So, for tis week.. everyting had continue as usual.. all go back to normal! From workin', eating.., lifestyle.. n also jammed!! Ala jamme.. Everyday wil facing da same problem, tension of course!! :P
Las week beside gone back to office.. i also had to rearrange back da financial!! Haha, msti la after raya right. Tis had to settle first, then what to do next.. what to pay.. which needed!! Everytin had to tink n reschedule back. (Plan mau ada..)
Within in Ramadhan las month, i had received a weddin' invitation from my good fren... Shifa. She's a fren of mine since form 1 at secondary school. We met when both of us r selected for netball school team. Shifa is a nice person, alwayz happy, she taugh me a lot during my teenage time!! We also moved out from SAM n went to TARP together. It just tat we taking a different class.
Until now, we still keep in touch.. Sometime talkin tru fon, of course still N she's already met Azran went we r in form 3. Never though tat their loves r so strong until now!! (lama gile..)
So tonite.. me, Ery n my parents went to her weddin' dinner reception. After worked, we went back home first(mandi, tukaq baju elok2 sket) n fetch my parents before takin' our move straight to Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang.
Last, for Shifa & Azran.. SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU!! We hope n wish all da best for both of u..
his mine..hehee
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