I never met his Tok Chak before, never seen her face also. Just tat my mum in law did showed her photo when she's still young.. Me n Ery wil be goin' there 2gether wit my mum in law, sis Zarina n Abg Rahim.. Huuhhh.. :{
OK, fulled stop!!! Tis is a next post... TARAAAAA...
Las Wednesday my opis did propose a "JAMUAN HARI RAYA". On first, we wanted to do it today-Friday.. but there's a few proble
m tat need to subtract da day! So, wit a las minute plan.. we came out wit it. All da menu, foods & drinks we order.. including sate, roti jala & gulai ayam.. bihun
goreng, lemang, ketupat, kuih-muih..
We also dcide to celebrate a few staff birthday together. So, me n Kak Zana did went to Jenny Cake House (our customer) to order a nice 2kg cake. Wah, so nice.. evrybdy seems to be happy n da plan was splendid!!
Bside all da staffs eatin', havin' their meals.. we also had a 'lucky draw' session. Its just to create a happy-happy time only between all da staffs. So xcited.. know y, bcoz da lucky draw presents are not a big suprise.. But it just a small gifts n it really means..hahaha!!
celebrate Aug, Sept & Oct Birthday! Me..? not yet.
ha.. klu bleh mkn la...SERBU!!
all my collegues
During mkn time, there were a slip in "entertaiment" la kononnya..!! Karaoke session... :} punggah!! Pa lg, evrybdy hehe (including me-shuuut jgn habaq kat Ery).. goin' to show their talent. Havin' a Raya song, we take turn sing a song tat we choose. Evrybdy sakan.. Yana, Kama, Abg Lan, Zul even Kak Zana (already got 2 childs) pun sama naik!! Hehe but we all havin' fun. Tak dpt P RedBox pun, kat opis jd la...
wah wah wah,evrybdy tryin' to showed their talent plak!!
So, at las.. just left a few of us! Wat to do.. we need (xsesuai la..) no!! We had to clean up all da tings..., xpecially all da rubbish lah!! :P ala.. bosan, but its fun bcoz we all pull 2gether all da tings tat we do. Hehehe jgn xtau, my buddies:- Abg Zul & Kama, guess wat..? They volunteer to wash all da plates, bowl, spoons & forks.. Good ha.. Caiya la.. Pasni ada la yg nk buat menantu!!
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