Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Skrg Aunty mau antaq. Pasai td Mahen (anak lelaki Aunty Maliga) punya kwn hotel ada mari. Skrg sudah balik, baru bleh kasi.."
1. Mix flour, sugar n baking powder in medium bowl.
2 Cut in da butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3. Blend milk n eggs in a small bowl. Stir into flour mixture.
4. Gently stir in chopped cookies n chopped dark chocolate.
5. Spoon batter into greased or paper-line muffin trays.
6. Sprinkle wit more chopped dark chocolate.
7. Bake for 20-25min in 150cc or until toothpick
inserted near centres comes out clean.
Nah.. easy right! I've done it.. C da results...
bleh la.. janji masak dlm kn..
Its Holiday,but i'm Working!!
Ala, time's already showed 815am.. Either want or not, i had to get up and go to work..!
Zura tried to wake me up, from 730am.. next calling was on Last call was 815am...
Heemmm..koja, koja and koja!!
My boss didn't take the holiday on Deepavali, he will replace it with Thaipusam day. So, pa lg.. keja la...
Friday, October 24, 2008
~Dining Xplorer..!!~
Tats wat my collegue plannin' on Friday, today la!!
So after work.. we all plan to meet there @Seoul Garden, Gurney Plaza for BBQ steamboat, da Korean style.. Since it was a heavy rainin' day also, so we went there a little bit late. Ery took me from office around 6pm, following us is Kak Zana's car. Inside also got Abg Lan & Kama.
Actually we already plan it since las week. But then though its not gonna be cancalled..!!
But then, evrybdy nk p plak.. Im ok wit it, so just follow la.. Ery pun say Ok Darling..(ya ka..?) :p
When we reached the entrance, we saw a bunch of people were waiting outside. We weren't sure if they were just about to leave or waiting for a table. Coz of Hanna & Wani didn't arrived yet, so we booked a table for 9persons.
We were given the choice to choose between chicken soup, tom yam soup, herbal soup, kimchi soup or ginseng soup. So as not to spoil da natural taste, we went for tom yam. (better la ha, kita org melayu ya)
Seoul Garden provides a spread of fresh food. Let's start wit...
**Fried foods like deep-fried dumplings, pizzas, fried chicken n nuggets. There were also a few types of noodles for those who can't live without carbs.
**All kinds of marinated meats n seafoods. There were a number of different flavour marinated chicken n beef.. Black pepper, Sze Chuan style, tom yam, curry, tenpayaki (eh,salah eja ka ha.. ka, teriyaki..?!) arrghh Confius.. ;p
**All sorts of processed food like fish balls, meat balls, squid balls, crab meat, tofu... Veggies n fish cakes for da soup.
**There's a salad too! Potato salad n coleslaw..
**But don't forget, da sauces. There were several types of chilli sauces, light soy sauce, bird's eyes (chilli padi), ketchup n chopped garlic.
**Ice cream for dessert. Or otherwise u can mke ur own 'ice-kacang!!' So nice la... Slurrpp..!!
da foods was nice..
ha trdudok smua
cam 'lol-lok' ja..
9 of us, aik.. where's another 1..?!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
**My collegue, Kak Zana was MC today.. So no choice, i had to relief her n do 3works tru 3departments..!!
Current acc, remittance n also clearing..!! Ya Allah please, help me..
**It seems like im runnin' up side down, checkin tru my '2 officers'...(under current acc n remittance). Thanks Khoo n Mag, don't forget to approve my OT ha...
**I finished n done all my works around 8pm, just now la.. ;P
**Came back, parking plak xdak..!! How bad... It takes me around 3-4 times, n still da same!
**Im just havin' a nice hot bath, 'pekena milo pa sket'.. then post tis out!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
1Day(Penang->Bandar Seri Putra Bkt Mahkota,Kajang S'ngor->Penang)
So, yesterday early in the morning around 5.30am we make our moves to Hussien house at Bandar Seri Putra. (Hussein is my 'dua pupu', his mum.. Kak Idah is my mother cousins)
I did received a phone call from my sister on Wednesday night telling that his grandmother had passed away.. (intestine cancer). On beginning i though we are leaving on the same night, but decide back to wait until Saturday morning.
We arrived there around 11am, Hussein did waiting for us at exit the highway because this is our first time went to his new house. Previously he and his family are staying at Damansara.
In the same time, co-incident i meet my cousins (lama dah tak jumpa..). They also came to visit Kak Idah families beside giving their mourning.
We stay there until the evening.. (makan nasi sana la) after taking a bath, changing the clothes.. then we have to make our moves back to Penang.
We moved out there around 6.30pm and slowly drived back to Penang because its a raining day. Make our stopped at a few Rest & Services Area before drived back and reach Penang at 12.30am....
-A part of my families-
Amboi.. a flying KISS ya..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I never met his Tok Chak before, never seen her face also. Just tat my mum in law did showed her photo when she's still young.. Me n Ery wil be goin' there 2gether wit my mum in law, sis Zarina n Abg Rahim.. Huuhhh.. :{
OK, fulled stop!!! Tis is a next post... TARAAAAA...
Las Wednesday my opis did propose a "JAMUAN HARI RAYA". On first, we wanted to do it today-Friday.. but there's a few proble
m tat need to subtract da day! So, wit a las minute plan.. we came out wit it. All da menu, foods & drinks we order.. including sate, roti jala & gulai ayam.. bihun
goreng, lemang, ketupat, kuih-muih..
We also dcide to celebrate a few staff birthday together. So, me n Kak Zana did went to Jenny Cake House (our customer) to order a nice 2kg cake. Wah, so nice.. evrybdy seems to be happy n da plan was splendid!!
Bside all da staffs eatin', havin' their meals.. we also had a 'lucky draw' session. Its just to create a happy-happy time only between all da staffs. So xcited.. know y, bcoz da lucky draw presents are not a big suprise.. But it just a small gifts n it really means..hahaha!!
celebrate Aug, Sept & Oct Birthday! Me..? not yet.
ha.. klu bleh mkn la...SERBU!!
all my collegues
During mkn time, there were a slip in "entertaiment" la kononnya..!! Karaoke session... :} punggah!! Pa lg, evrybdy hehe (including me-shuuut jgn habaq kat Ery).. goin' to show their talent. Havin' a Raya song, we take turn sing a song tat we choose. Evrybdy sakan.. Yana, Kama, Abg Lan, Zul even Kak Zana (already got 2 childs) pun sama naik!! Hehe but we all havin' fun. Tak dpt P RedBox pun, kat opis jd la...
wah wah wah,evrybdy tryin' to showed their talent plak!!
So, at las.. just left a few of us! Wat to do.. we need (xsesuai la..) no!! We had to clean up all da tings..., xpecially all da rubbish lah!! :P ala.. bosan, but its fun bcoz we all pull 2gether all da tings tat we do. Hehehe jgn xtau, my buddies:- Abg Zul & Kama, guess wat..? They volunteer to wash all da plates, bowl, spoons & forks.. Good ha.. Caiya la.. Pasni ada la yg nk buat menantu!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
-Slow down Weekend-
Yesterday, my mum in law wanted to go to Ery's aunt house at Kepala Batas. So after Asar, we make our moves there. Luckily its not rainin'.. But went we arrrived there between 615pm, ujan pun turun..!! Lega.. :}
Her aunty did made a toast bread+beef.. Looks nice!! Bside tis a few days asyik mkn ayam ja..
A few shot @Aunty Seha House
We went back from Aunty Seha house using da Sg.Nyior highway.. Exit from da highway also need to pay.. Though we using da T n Go, but know wat.. only 1 lane opened for pay counter!! So evrybdy tat though using T n Go lane includin' us.. need to turn n queue in ONLY 1 lane. Apa punya turr la..
In da ferry, we dcide to havin' teh tarik first b4 went back home. Then i give a plan to go to Padang Browm (tis is da correct spellin', but evrybdy say it 'Padang Broom') Pa lg, its not only we all havin' teh tarik.. but it seem like we havin' dinner over there.. 1 ting to know, u all can't run from order all da foods tat u seen..!!
So tis week wil b only a slow down weekend.. No more open house for us, mood Raya also gettin' back to normal.
11days Raya
For this week, my mum want to go to my aunt house.. Aunty Seha at Taman Robina, Kepala Batas. So we all went there in evening after Asar. Though going by Penang Brigde.. alamak!! Jam!! Is it everybody still on holiday or they all are going back..??! Adoi.. Then decide don't want to trapped into jam, so we plan to use
Ala.. went arrived there, Ferry Terminal also sangkot!!! Fulled of cars.. Then never mind la, we waited around 15min and have an opportunity to use ferry. Give a phone call to aunty to inform her that we might arrived a little bit late..