I'm tinkin' of wearin' a "JUBAH" during tis comin' HARI RAYA nie. Already told Ery, n he gives a 'green light'.. pa lg, on las weekend together ngan sis Zarina+abg Rahim we all went to Rias Idaman @KBJ. B4 tis, i already bought a few 'jubah' from here. Da price is ok, n of course i'm lookin' a good material too. Wat i want, i can get it from here..
So, out theme of color for tis year wil b purple. Tak kisah la purple pa, light ka.. dark ka. Coz early, Ery already got for him da 'baju mlayu' in purple color at da time we went to Aloq Staq tat day.. So, for matchin wit him.. i dcide to find da same color. Actually, i also already send a pair of 'kain ela' to da tailor. I send it for 'baju kurung pahang'. Just tinkin' how sweet if i can wear a different shape of baju on tat day.
Once we arrived there, Ery n abg Rahim don't want to go in.. Y? Bcoz there was so many people, alamak.. nie yg malas nie! Everybdy's seem lookin' for da same like me.. BAJU RAYA!! Me n sis, masok jgk!! N at last, after an hour tryin' a few baju, dpt jgk yg brkenan d ati.. After try for 'jubah', i saw 1 baju kurung pahang.. cantek, grab trus..!
Nex, we entered another shop.. its only sell a scarft. Sometin' like a scarft, but our people called it 'tudung pakai trus, tudung sheila rusly' pun ada.. ha, klu nk senang we can called it tudung saji!! hehe just jokin' yek.. Its nice, no need to iron.. da material was so soft.. n da price also bleh tahan.. nearly 60hinggit tau.. So, i get it for matchin' wit my 'jubah'. N all da scarft are from Indon da tauke said!!
At last, Ery sempat said to me.. "Ai che are, raya sakan nmpak!!" Iyalah.. its my 1st raya being ur wife wat!!!
In da evenin', there's a heavy rain in Penang...! We dcide to break our fast @Padang Broom, tinkin' of havin pasemboq, laksa.. wah, mewah!! But, unfortunately..ala smua kedai xbukak!! Cian sis Zarina, tis is her 2nd time been there n all stall xbukak.. Tringin nk mkn mcm2, nk ode yg tu yg nie.. xdpt la plak, HAMPEH ;p
So, don't know where to go.. Ery give's an idea to go to Curry House, Restoran Pen Mutiara!! Straight from G'town.. we took a Seagate highway to Batu Maung.. Tis is
da place where we can find da best 'kari kpala ikan'... serious, my 1st impression been there was 3years ago. My brother bring us there.. Da food's r all made from fresh seafood due to da restaurant was link 2gether wit da Persatuan Nelayan Negeri Pulau Pinang and LKIM..
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