A few of my collegues already on leaves.. so like it or not, today n tomorrow i'm still had to go for workin'.. Ery..? He already on leaves too.. He had to bring over his mum to 'market' lookin' for kerbau (mkn rendang kerbau Are thn nie ya!!) bsides ayam..!!
N i also ask him to buy for my mum's. So tat my mum r not in hurry to buy all da tings for rendang.. Thanks Ery sayang!!
Wahhh.. cita sket nie, tis las few days was 'xtremely' for me!! Though of havin' a Ramadhan m00d in peace (kononnya la..), but my days was fully wit activities..!!!
Klu las week 2gether wit sis Zarina doin' all da cookies, tis week i've to do all da housekeeping!! Adoi, tambah plak from las Friday i'm havin' a "running nose".. either want or not, i've to do it b4 raya kan!! So, takin' Sunday as my housekeeping day.. startin wit clean up all da carpets, straight wit da fan. I tink i'm doin my las housekeeping was on las few months.. Huihh dah tebai beb debu!! :{ Naik bebai jgk, until dcide want to break my fasting!! But, thank God.. still tahan!!
2gether wit Ery we clean up my parents house.. Lega rasa coz we finished doin' all da housekeeping in da afternoon. After done there, Ery send me to sis Zarina house n he straight went back to his parents house to do da next housekeeping!
Me..? Y i didn't follow him..? Its bcoz i already promise wit sis Zarina to bake a cake plak..!! Hehehe.. We had bake 2 type of cakes, 1st wil be chocolate moist cake.. another wil be vanilla sponge cake. Wow.., so xcited to see da cake tat we bake by our own!! Heheee..
So yesterday, i had successful doin' 2 things in 1day..
Tonite, now.. i'm helpin' my mum baking a chocolate moist cake. N she's busy "lipat daun palas" for ketupat pulut!! Wah, ari raya was coming ready!! So fast tinkin' of now days evryting turns like 'ding dong' clock!!
So for everybody, i wish u all "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN"
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