Salam, hey everybody.. since last 2weeks i didn't update my blogs, 'NO any BABBLES' (thank God!!).
This 2weeks actually me and Zura each other got our own problems. All with our jobs. Keja xtunggu beb..!! Not that we are doing wrong or didn't do our jobs.. or lazy!! Just that, you all know la... everyday there will be a mistake or changes right!!
But, Alhamdulillah... together me and Zura did settle our problems... i'm doing fine, just sometimes feel presure! Zura also mention that she's doing good with her new department. So ok la tu.. :}
Last 2weeks also, Saturday xpecially my day was fulled with activities. Think Zura will update soon!! Now she's tired, fasting la.. (ganti la tu!). After this week there will be another week before we all enter the month of Ramadhan. So fast man....!! Wow, never though that times was running so fast. Not even a second wait for us... Pejam celik pejam celik, here we are. When i and Zura having our cit cat also we sometimes mention that now days times running like a machine!! TIME MACHINE!!
Huh, when come on Monday to Friday we will say that time was so fast. Its just like 12hours we will be at the office, at home being together for just 4hours and the rest hours we gone to sleep. Then it will be turn the same way, same time.. everyday!! Cepat kan!
So my friends, i don't want to 'babbles'... Just let you all know that i wish you all ''HAPPY EID MUBARAK, SELAMAT BERPUASA''. Together we all welcome this coming season as a very good month for us to act of devotion (beramal ibadat), going to 'terawih', bangun bersahur, and always give our service to Allah.. Insyaallah, what ever we do we all will get blessing from HIM..
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