Tis weekend my mum was on leave. Then we dcide to go to our tailor to send our 'kain' for tis coming RAYA!! (just left a month b4 raya kan!!) Don't know either da aunty still want to receive or we still can wear it but AFTER RAYA..!! Hope so..
B4 send over, me n Ery had seen da dentist (las a year xp dentist tau..). Las it was b4 my wedding day! Then after tat, perot brbunyi.. We dcide to havin' our lunch @Seoul Garden.. its a korean food, grilled n steamboat!!
Ery suggest it when he n his frens, Wandi already went there b4... Nice tau, da foods r all ala2 buffet. We can choose wat ever we want. N of course its between a time.. 4hours!! (cukop la kan)
<= mana bleh lintas, but our people's still doin' it!!
Tis is update for las week.. haha, on Saturday sis Zarina did call us early in da moning n ask goin for breakfast. Both of us, ok.. join punya!! They did fetch us @home n we drop by havin' our breakfast @KAYU.. eh nk promote sket nie, their "TOSAI TELUQ" n "NS LEMAK" was so nice, delicious la.. Then, after dh kenyang.. tis is da story :} We don't know where to go.. n
B4 went back home, we all singgah to Kuala Kedah n sempat havin' "laksa Kedah"... slurpp, sedapnya.. las time i went there it was 2years ago. Tu pun Ery yg bawak, time nk ngorat dulu.. hehe, sori syg bukak secret sket yek!!
Ok, tis is update for las 2weeks..(hehe, still in tis month ya). We got a weddin' invitation @Batu Gajah. It was Ery's family neighbour.. (jiran lama dh moves out). So we dcide to go wit XTRA plan. Tinkin' of dh lama xwent out frm Penang, so we plan to go to K.K- not Kota Kinabalu.. just to Kuala Kangsar!
We move early in da moning, hope tat feel not gettin' heated. Slowly my bro in law drive da car, n evrybdy INCLUDINg me..haha also slowly feel ZZZzzzZZ!!! We arrived @ da weddin' place around 1230pm, taking our lunch..nasi minyak+ayam ros+daging rendang 2gether wit acar. N for da desserts, we all havin d 'rambutans'..(da bride's father had a plantation) nice ha.. :P
Then just after around an hours over there, we had to ask for leaving.. We didn't hav an opportunity to meets da bride n bridegroom...! Thanks to Kak Ina(bride's sista) who serve us frm begin. Hope to c u all again!!
Hehe to me, sis Zarina n my mum in law coz we still had a chance to changes our clothes!! (Bwk bj salin lg!!) n we keep our journey to K.K. We arrived there around 3.00pm.. Never though tat K.K been so many changes within a few years. I tink i've been there for da las 6-7years ago during my mum's uncle pas away. Until tat day, thank GOD coz i still can rmember all da road over there. We did visit a few places, n da place tat very change is da ISTANA ULU.. Nowdays it was called as GALERI SULTAN AZLAN SHAH.. Wow, i felt so impress.. no more ISTANA tat builded frm buluh!! It was restored in its centenary year, 2003 (dh 100years la..)
Then we went to Masjid Ubudiah, (cam Masjid Negeri). Take an hours to do some shoppin @pekan K.K, i did buy a 'mengkuang' hndbag to my mum n Ery buy a 'lastik kayu' to his father in law.. (nak bodek ke..hehe syg awak!!)
After havin our diner just @fast food(KFC), know where we dcide to go..? Takin' our moves to Taiping n plan to go to NIGHT SAFARI @Zoo Taiping. Huih, mmg jln sakan tat day.. Tis is our time to 'balas dendam' coz tis day also my mum in law(maktok) didn't hav any cucu wit her!! Yahoo, tis is da day tat we can bring her jln2.. do wat ever she wants, rights!!?
@Nite Safari we can c all da animals n their characters over da nite. N also its my 1st time visitin' a ZOO in da nite!! AFter a whole days, we went back wit tired faces.. Evrbody looks down.. also me loooo
bila nk p lg ye!!
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