How r u guys?!! Weekend come again...yeahh come & go!! It's was quit sometimes kan since my last update about my work, my workplace...! Naaaa now my story beginZzzz...
Las weekdays was a busy week for me. We're having changes in work flow means tat we're having a routation from one dept to other dept. Me...all da time since i joined TgBungah i was in ASNB dept as a main teller using da CTLAN system. Beside that, im doing all da remittances filing & KWSP oso.
Las month after having a meeting with da boss, everybody especially all da tellers need to be routate! In da main time, TgBungah having 4counters with da new system called RBS (Regional Branch Solution) & maintain with 2counters with CTLAN system. So, starting last week i still seated at da CTLAN counter... but not as a main teller for ASNB. Are need to cover all da current acc dept including svs, close acc, filling & backup for ASNB.
Penat la sket las week coz need to cover on svs & ASNB keja...(main teller pulak xmai a few days!!) but Alhamdulillah i managed to finish & cover all. Lega sket la coz nk spend weekend kan, klu tidak...byk kja pending, lagi xbest!!
And las Friday oso i received one good news on behalf of my fren, staff kat TgBungah ni. Ipah...actually before tis i mmg dh tau yg she asked for transfer out. But not tat fast...!! Hmmm...She received a transfering letter from my boss pagi Jumaat tu jugak in front of me. :( I'm sad...! Sedih weiiiii....
Are mula rapat ngan ipah since i've been transferring to TgBungah early tis year. Kami sama2 pregnant tat's seem like we can communicate to each other cm lama dh sgtttt kenai! Kira senang ckp, masok satu kpala la!!! We shared a lot about pregnancy, life...yelah coz sama2 pregnant 2nd child masa tu, umoq pun are muda 1year ja dari ipah!
Till today, she's like my sister yg bleh buat tempat are ngadu la jugak!! Shoulder to cry onnnn...huhuhuhuu! Actually bila sblom ni are dpt tau yg she ask for transfer out, are pun trkejot! Wondering y...?!! Yelah...TgBungah tu kira her 1st branch tau. Dh lebih kurang 8years dok ulang alik kat situ. But wat can u say, life's changes!! She oso have her own family to think of...anak sulong dia dh nk masok tadika nex year, so she need to manage her time with her son schedule...are understand psai tu!
Am happy for u ipah...! Cuma agak sedey, yessss i did cry...are admit tat!! Xtahan jugak nk stop ayaq mata ni dr kluaq coz ttiba are trasa cmna are dpt surat transfer dulu tu...I'm gonna miss another fren, ngan sapa are nk gosip2 dh pasni...nk komplen ngadu smua kat sapa dh pasni?!!! yelahh like my boss said, life must goes on!!
Are know...u gonna be fine at Greenlane branch ipah! Ehhh don't wori jugak coz 1day mayb time are cuti kita bleh p lunch gether2 kat KFC house baru nk bukak kat seblah branch tu kan. Heheeehe...inshaAllah like u oso said kita still & tetap keep in touch kan. Whatsapp whatsapp kan...
Cuma i feel like im going to be a quite person la sket, xleh nk hu ha hu ha sgt kan...xdak geng!! Nk kutuk2 pun kena pandang2, dengaq2 dh la hu hu!! Ipah going to Greenlane branch starting tis new year...all da best fren, a year with u seems like a yearssssss oredi!! Chill always like u said....yesss inshaAllah i will!!
Dear ipah... thanks for ur time, kindness, advice, love...! Haaaa kan dh nk nangeh balik ni! Friendship tat we build within a year hopefully will last till Jannah inshaAllah!!
Sob sob sob... :(
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