Omg omg...listen listen guys!! Eh sori, Assalammualaikum smua...
Dh almost sethn brlalu actually after we had celebrated Dhia's birthday!! And tis time, tis year...InshaAllah we are planning da same too!! Bcoz of Dhia was born on 4th Dec, so tis year of course klu ikot kalender tarikh tu brsamaan ari Rabu. Hmmm decided we gonna do it on weekend la kan, baru inshaAllah smua jemputan dpt mai kan!!
Ok xmo crita pjg sgt...nnt mayb for da next entry post, are akan update our planning from da venue place to da catering, goodies bag smpai la ke birthday cake and so on ok. Oh ya, tis year kira Dhia dh msok 3years old...las time Dhia xreti sgt nk pilih theme. Guess wat, nowdays my dotter tu dh pandai bab2 pweeettty princesssssss, barbie smua ni!! But all must be in purple! Xdak color len, smua nk purple ja.. nk sesuaikan theme+color yg diminta, ayah mama kna la calculate blk sat budget naaaa, bukan pakai nk kluaq cam ayaq ja!! Pa yg kami rasa patot ada...kami continue. Da rest, xmo membazir cm las year!!!
Till now, nnt kita smbg lg ok! Cheer guys...sok Monday ok!!
Oh b4 lupa, now I did have another application similar cam blogs jgk, but more simple & easy to update. Follow me at Kat situ InshaAllah are try nk update daily. Truly, at first egat nk close my blogspot acc ni, tp psai dh brthn lamanya are ngan blogspot...y should I just terminate u kan!! Wahhhh...setiaku disini babe!!
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