Salam frens..., bloggers! How r u guys? Hope u guys doing great. Me...??
Adoiii...headache pun ada, nk tarik nafas dlm2 pun rasa cm sesak ja. Actually there's a lot of things happened lately, its not a bad things..its really good, just that all just happen so sudden. After celebrating Dhia's birthday, i did celebrate my husband's birthday plak. Then sambung trus ngan our 5th wedding anniversary. Nothing much, just we bought a cake...and of course org yg paling happy & teruja mestilah Dhia!!
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Happy Birthday Ayah! |
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Chak..!! |
Ok now, nk post psai sudden stori yg happened! Las 2weeks, my boss called me up and said tat my interview had been successed & syukur Alhamdulilah im goin to be promote!
Hu hu hu..ok guys, looks like cam blur sket ya my stori ni. Camni, las October i did went for an interview for upgrading my posting. I oso know tat the result goin to be announce during Dec. Tp ttiba ja skrg rasa cam all so sudden. Im sooooo sedey!!
Im goin to be transfer to another branch nex year! (ok..nex year tu esok lusa ja pun...) I've told tat once if u get to be promote, u have to be transfer to other branch. And yeahhh, tats what happened to me now. And tomorrow will be my last day working at Pulau Tikus. I will report my duty on 2nd January 2013 at Tg Bungah branch. Lagi jaoh kan... but wat can i say, keja i have too..!!
Tp mmg dlm ati brtaman dgn kesedihan sgt2 (ceewahh). After 8years, seems oso Pulau Tikus was my 1st branch..sapa la yg tau pa yg trsirat dlm ati are ni. I've try oso to talk wit my boss. Asking for posponed due to my pregnancy condition. But, Ladyboss is always being a Ladyboss.. Lol!! :P
Hope tat my transfered to a new branch will bring me more aducated on my working flow. Dpt environment baru, kawan baru and of course gaji baru la...heheee (sedey ni, but control...!!) Ni smua pun are anggap rezki di ujong thn, ramai jgk yg ckp ni pun cm rezki anak2!! Alhamdulillah...
Nnt dh msok working place baru, are akan update lain plak ya.
Now, back to & ery going to have a 'hero' in our family!! Alhamdulillah..again we have been blessed..Last weekend i did went for my monthly checkUp, brdebar2 jgk nk tau gender baby kan. As usual, da doc do an ultrasound scan on me & i've been told...
"Azura, can u see da testis..?!!"
Meleleh la sat ayaq mata ni..Its 90% a boy, he said!! Ery was not there with me at tat time coz he have to meet his client. He has been told by me during he came & fetch me home. Sronok tgk reaction dr Ery yg cm xpercaya..and i plan on goin to do a 4D scanning. So a day after Christmas, me & Ery did went to do a 4D scan and tis is it....
Im goin to be transfer to another branch nex year! (ok..nex year tu esok lusa ja pun...) I've told tat once if u get to be promote, u have to be transfer to other branch. And yeahhh, tats what happened to me now. And tomorrow will be my last day working at Pulau Tikus. I will report my duty on 2nd January 2013 at Tg Bungah branch. Lagi jaoh kan... but wat can i say, keja i have too..!!
Tp mmg dlm ati brtaman dgn kesedihan sgt2 (ceewahh). After 8years, seems oso Pulau Tikus was my 1st branch..sapa la yg tau pa yg trsirat dlm ati are ni. I've try oso to talk wit my boss. Asking for posponed due to my pregnancy condition. But, Ladyboss is always being a Ladyboss.. Lol!! :P
during my farewell dinner, wit my cool colleagues. |
last speech from me...konon |
Hope tat my transfered to a new branch will bring me more aducated on my working flow. Dpt environment baru, kawan baru and of course gaji baru la...heheee (sedey ni, but control...!!) Ni smua pun are anggap rezki di ujong thn, ramai jgk yg ckp ni pun cm rezki anak2!! Alhamdulillah...
Nnt dh msok working place baru, are akan update lain plak ya.
Now, back to & ery going to have a 'hero' in our family!! Alhamdulillah..again we have been blessed..Last weekend i did went for my monthly checkUp, brdebar2 jgk nk tau gender baby kan. As usual, da doc do an ultrasound scan on me & i've been told...
"Azura, can u see da testis..?!!"
Meleleh la sat ayaq mata ni..Its 90% a boy, he said!! Ery was not there with me at tat time coz he have to meet his client. He has been told by me during he came & fetch me home. Sronok tgk reaction dr Ery yg cm xpercaya..and i plan on goin to do a 4D scanning. So a day after Christmas, me & Ery did went to do a 4D scan and tis is it....
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