Ok guys, are start ngan my baby dulu ya. At this moment..my baby, Dhia is oredi 13months++ old. She was able to walk now....even faster!! Hahahaa :-) Alhamdulillah, she is growing well..healthy, energetic...cheeky too!! And of course bila dh mula bley brjln nie, Dhia dh byk kali jugak jatoh...trhantuk kepala la..dan tak ketinggalan, JATOH KATIL!! Are think start from her aged 3months lagi Dhia dh pun jatoh dari tilam yang agak tinggi..then during 6months, sekali jatoh katil...and again baru2 ni jatoh katil lg!! Cian Dhia, but she's really strong girl la..heheee mama really proud of u tau.

Now, bout myself...Oh ya, for those who think tat im still breastfeed my bby..sori guys, i did not have an oppoturnity to tell u guys tat i've stopped breastfeeding Dhia since she was 8months+ old!! Not tat i dont want to give her, but she refused to breastfeed. Maybe dah xsedap kot....heheee! But i'm glad tat i had breastfeed her exclusively...
Hahaaaa...next issue was my WEIGHT!! Truly guys, im a little worry jugak tau..coz xturun2!! Since pregnancy (lagi la badan naik kan...) until delivery (and ya of course are brpantang dengan sebaik2nya tau) not a lot of weight going down! Habis byk pun skrg my weight maseh dlm 60kg+!! Arghhh... I'm oso not on diet bcoz i'm not a very disciplined person. Tapi, i'm quite lucky jugak sebab my husband very supportive person & taklah sooo forced me to be slim, janji sihat katanya. Hahahaa tq sayang!!
OK, tat's it for now... InsyaAllah, i'll be updating more...
Owh ya, tak lupa...
are, bila dah ada baby lagi la best...boleh blog about baby...mesti cute..hehehe..
bdw takut gak la nanti pas deliver berat tak turun banyak...tp intan mmg dah target lepas pantang dan dah sehat, intan nak masuk gym or start jogging balik....harap2 dpt pakai baju tunang balik dah bersyukur sgt :))
Intan...are bknnya xmo update blog, tp ttiba jd malas psai asyik nk ngadap bby ja tat time. Heheee or mayb u should try see first cmna nnt..takot jd cam xdak masa nk ngadap laptop nnt....
Are support u klu btoi2 nk sehat cam dulu2r blk..InsyaAllah u can do it...are breasfeed Dhia pun badan xturun...heheee
U tk cre k...
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