Anyway, he said all tis just for a while... while he really commited and wanted+rajin to do XTRA job, i let him do it!! But, jgn smpai jatoh sakit ka... rs penat ka!! Xsmpai ati la are tgk... :P
Me...? Im getting more ok... more common with myself, baby inside ya!!! My physical actually, had changed a lot!! I also had gain 2.5kg within a month... oh my!! But Alhamdulillah, da baby condition was OK.. at least i gave all da priority to da baby first; even ramai yg nasihat- pa2 pun "ibu di dahulukan"!! *Gulp**

Oh guys, nowdays are kerap sgt2 nk go to da toilet.. bladder cepat fulled!! Not even kat opis, during at nite.. kat umah pun sama!! Asal tgh mlm ja, i have to go to da toilet.. :P Some said tat "YOUR BLADDER- BABY's FIRST 1st SQUEEZE TOY"!!! Hahahaha...................
And now also Ery getting to be more a helping husband... thank you Ery!! Being a pregnant woman, are cukop penat bila naik tangga, tangga opis... tangga umah but Ery really helping me a lot!! Hopefully he will continue smpai bby lahir nnt la... hehehe :P will see...
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