So i decide to go this morning, without Ery!!! :P Dh Ery kena keja....
Da reason tat i wanted to do tis checking + scan is not tat im so xcited to know da gender ka pa ka.. just to make sure da condition of da baby was good, nmpak sehat ja... and of course no problem!!
Alhamdulillah.. everything was good!! Just tat da baby 'songsang'...!! Ha, songsang..
But da doc said tat not worry coz maybe after a few months, maybe baby akan pusing... i hope so!! InsyaAllah...

Are!!!! Ella baru tahu!!! Alhamdulillah... Congrats are!!! I'm so happy for u!!! Enjoy your pregnancy babe... :)
makcikkk!!! i was too busy to update an to blog hopping!!! and u're pregnant!!!!!! owh!!! Congratssss!!!
ala...........kite punye turn blom sampai lagi.... ;( xpe..xpe...keep it up yash! ha ha ha ha...!
anyway..congratsss again to u and ery!! :)
take care...salam singgah
Ella:- its ok Ella...are nie pun kira br lg, nyway Tq tau! Now only are know how is it da way to become a mother,penat la... Hehehe :]
Yash:- Aunty Yash....!! Yes..i know tat u r soo bzz skrg nie, sll jgk read out ur update! Kira ok la ngan Penang dh ya... Hehehe. Dont wori, hopefully ur turn will be next. Are doa2kan jgk k....
P/S:- enjoyzzz ur 'progressing' ok...dont be so stress tau... Hahaha ;P
Ensanan:- thanks..tq jgk for singgah!
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