bab-bab menge'pam' nie.. terror!!
buat2 sibok ja tu..
-deco time-
PTS team
Im supposed to be quite 'bz' ngan my sesawang blog nie in tis few days!! Tp wat to do.. i hav to come back from opis late..!! Not saying i hav a lot of works, but las Thursday my opis had tis wat they called 'Extra Reward Campaign'..
And I?!!
Im da one of tis deco deco deco decoration comittee laaaa.. So I have to take part in giving all da ideas n materials before da day!
Alhamdulillah, everyting was done. On tat day itself, i heard tat PTS had collect RM1.9M from cust!! Fuuhhh increase lagi..!
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