Anybody knows what's da best remedy for sore throat..?!! Perhaps tis few days i though it just a normal sore, (gatai tekak la kan..) then wonder y it also hav da phlegm..! Haaa :P i know ready!! I get da infection from Ery.. I didn't go n see a doc, hoping tat it will just disappear.
So here, i got a few tips:-
1) will take only cough mixture, (of course from a doctor right!!)
2) Honey!! Get a 'sudu' of honey n swallow it.. but dont swallow da 'sudu' plak ya :P
3) a glass warm water with lemon; squeeze da lemon into da water.. i've try before, it works!! Tp tahan la.. masam sunggoh, brkerut ja dahi..
4) fresh 'air kelapa muda' squeezed from coconut.. KELAPA MUDA tau. Sedap gak tu..
5) they said; Blackcurrant juice pun bleh.. Ribena ka..?
Watever it is, mayb i can try one of it. Hope it could help me reduce my sore throat nie.. Sakit haaaa tekak time nk menelan airliur nie haaa...
sakit tekak mmg very painful n i hate that when it happens to me..i was like 'kenapa perlu sakit tekak skg??' hehe....susah tau nak karoke nanti hehe...
intan xd tips la nak kasi..i just share my experience..kalo sakit tekak, u shud avoid intan x..lg sakit tekak,lg tu minum air for me the best thing is u minum air limau helps utk kurangkan rasa sakit tu...:)
Eh ya ka.. takkan nk teguk ais time2 camni..!! Bleh mmbawa 'parah' lagi ada la...
Yea la.. ramai said suroh minum limau suam.It helps la, even little pun.But now dh tinggal kahak pulak...!!!
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