There will be a briefin' on AMLA on this Friday, 03/04/2009.
Starting Time:- 5.00pm
Starting Time:- 5.00pm
Estimate Finish:- 4hours
Dinner:- Provided
Wat..? AMLA briefing again, 4hours plak lagi..!! AMLA stand for Anti Money Laundering Act. Its under our bank regulations. So, nak xndak.. kena la attend jgk. Its COMPULSARY!! Tis briefing was held EVERY YEAR tau..!!
Beside tat, there will b also a farewell for my Xofficer-Esther Cheah n my colleague-AbgYon. Esther already transfered to MBB P.I.A(Penang International Airport) SC. Just only tis time tat we can arrange to do a farewell for her. N for AbgYon, he will b transfer to da new dept. @Region Penang.
So we all started around 630pm, after havin' our dinner n prayers time. After da 1st round of briefing, around 725pm.. my Boss stopped da presentation for Maghrib time. Then continue back nearly 800pm. Coz there were also a farewell, we 'break' for a session on given some 'token' to Esther n AbgYon.. After tat, da briefing was continue back until laa pukoi 1000pm!!
Fuiihh, nk abish tu punyalah lama trasa. From 1slide to another, my Boss did give his own elucidation.. adoii lama sunggoh rasa. Some more ujan plak kat luar, fuhh smua dok egat umah ja!! Not only me, evrybody felt da same too.! At las, time's up..
"Ok, finish so evrybdy can go back!!" TQ Boss..
Huihh ngalah kan Boss!!
Yg nie kira btoi2 focus..
ooOps, jgn gosip.. nie kira Kakak&Adik ok
Are xsure wat meaning of tis 'sign'..?
En.Sailan & Kama, muka boring!!
All my colleague's

Tis is my Xofficer,Esther

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