Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Own Situasi...
Diskriminasi menjatuhkan aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku , ku layu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
engkaulah, destinasiku
dalam ingatanku .. oh oh oh...
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku , ku tunggu .. oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku , ku layu
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
engkaulah, destinasiku
dalam ingatanku .. oh oh oh...
Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku , ku tunggu .. oh oh oh
Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku
Cam lirik lagu nie, hehe sama plak ngan my h/p caller tone! Hmm.. as a normal person, everybdy had their own lifestyle, out-goin'.. situation!! For me & Ery, of course xtrkecuali.. Evryday we hav to facing our own situasi! If not too bad, we will smile along day smpai blk kja.. smpai bwk ke tido la! If there's somting bad, smpai ke tido jgk muka masam mncuka!!
So, begin wit me.. since las week, Friday im havin' da situation where i feel so bad+moody+tension. Its all bout my shortage!! Until lah ysterday, Syukur Alhamdulillah.. i got back my money. Thanks to my Boss, Ms Lim.. she's da 1 who helped me get back da RM100 from tat
Now for Ery, cian plak tgk mamat nie.. (my husband jgk tu..) Keja brat kawan kita sorg nie! Almost evryday, evrynite i saw him doin' his job. Dudok depan PC, opened his AutoCad.. Until late nite still doin' da same ting! When i ask him, he told me tat tis is da time nk buat 'duit' lebih sket.. Ngan brkerut dahi :P wonderin' y he has to say like tat.. He actually doin' a 'side' job.. side income he said! Still under his workin' line, doin' a draf on AutoCad tu pun for another company. I hope jgn smpai ur Boss get to know wat u're doin' now dh la ya!
Another situation was tat we still waitin' for our "mini"!! We already pay half tau from da "mini" price according from our deal with da owner. Should b las week lg, a day after we made da payment.. we can get da "mini", but unfortunately ianya trsadai rosak plak di Bertam right now! (apalah!!) Waitin' to b fix b4 we can get it.. Dh lama dh Ery trcari2 tis "mini", when goin' to get it.. dh plak byk dugaan! At first, im afraid also tat it could b a cheated, we had been tricked!! Mana la tau kn.., but Ery did confirm tat he already follow up wit da owner n also 'org tengah'!
So, just wait n see jlah..
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Manalah dia..?
Hmmm.. we already pay half of the price, tapi tak nampak-nampak pun lagi kelibat 'mini' nie..?!!
Manalah dia... try to call that person again tomorrow.!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Its my 3rd time im havin' a cash shortage within 6years since im joinin' Maybank. Shortage..? Wat u all know bout cash shortage..?
Shortage means tat when u as a teller wrongly paid to cust (bagi trlebih..) or u make a mistake by didn't receive probably da cash from da cust, at da end of da day.., at da end of ur balancing it wil cost u a problem due to cash in hand wasn't tally wit ur calculation..!!
Tis is wat had happened to me ysterday when i was wrongly paid to da cust.. i had to cover frontline bcoz of they had short of teller, tu pun egat for only 1/2day after lunch..
Da cust actually was a regular cust coz every month she wil come o da bank to w/draw her pendion. When i call her no., she did come to my counterw/out fill in da form.. yet!! Haiyaaa.. Nk kena dh dia nie.. !!
Then, while she was fill in da form, she did ask me tis ques.. "Y my pension didn't change from Scheme B to Scheme A?" I straightly answer her, "Madam, tis one u have to ask Pension Dept.. Not from us, we just being da creditor only!!" Then she look up to me n direct saying tis.. "You get wat im saying or not?" AAARRGGHHH.. Pekak ka pa ka Aunty nie..!! :(
Ha.., tis time la nk kata s*upid Aunty..!! How come kita tau, u just go to da Pension Dept.. p update ur status ka pa ka n tell them. Tu ja.. She wanted to draw out RM650.. N wanted in tis deno, "You give me 6 in RM100.. 15 in RM10.." Naaaaa.. guess wat..?
Tis time i was soo angry already n just pay her wat ever she wanted!! Taraaa.. at da end of my balancing, kiraan ku out! Kira punya kira, cast all my vouchers... see all my deno tat i wrote behind da vouchers, then i found it my self!!
6 in RM100 = RM600
5 in RM10 = RM150 so total...?
Huaaa.. RM750.. i did gave her xtra for RM100!! Msti dia kata punya, when she ask me.. she felt like im not givin' her a complete answer. But my angry to her make her "UNTUNG" by RM100. C*laka punya Aunty (kaum itam plak tu..)
Wat to do, at las i hav to pay da shortages. Actually i got 2choices, either im goin' to pay it or i wanted to do a report...! But bcoz tinkin' of im waitin' for da O2 result n interbiu, so i don't want it to b 'credited' to my profile in future.. I admit tat was my fault, cos of angry.. i put myself in badly at da end!! But wat to do.. nasi dh jd buboq kn.. :P
We also did gave a try to called da cust, but nobody pick up da phone... Even her address also was her employee address tat was long time ago..
Hai... melayang RM100!!
Shortage means tat when u as a teller wrongly paid to cust (bagi trlebih..) or u make a mistake by didn't receive probably da cash from da cust, at da end of da day.., at da end of ur balancing it wil cost u a problem due to cash in hand wasn't tally wit ur calculation..!!
Tis is wat had happened to me ysterday when i was wrongly paid to da cust.. i had to cover frontline bcoz of they had short of teller, tu pun egat for only 1/2day after lunch..
Da cust actually was a regular cust coz every month she wil come o da bank to w/draw her pendion. When i call her no., she did come to my counterw/out fill in da form.. yet!! Haiyaaa.. Nk kena dh dia nie.. !!
Then, while she was fill in da form, she did ask me tis ques.. "Y my pension didn't change from Scheme B to Scheme A?" I straightly answer her, "Madam, tis one u have to ask Pension Dept.. Not from us, we just being da creditor only!!" Then she look up to me n direct saying tis.. "You get wat im saying or not?" AAARRGGHHH.. Pekak ka pa ka Aunty nie..!! :(
Tis time i was soo angry already n just pay her wat ever she wanted!! Taraaa.. at da end of my balancing, kiraan ku out! Kira punya kira, cast all my vouchers... see all my deno tat i wrote behind da vouchers, then i found it my self!!
6 in RM100 = RM600
5 in RM10 = RM150 so total...?
Huaaa.. RM750.. i did gave her xtra for RM100!! Msti dia kata punya, when she ask me.. she felt like im not givin' her a complete answer. But my angry to her make her "UNTUNG" by RM100. C*laka punya Aunty (kaum itam plak tu..)
Wat to do, at las i hav to pay da shortages. Actually i got 2choices, either im goin' to pay it or i wanted to do a report...! But bcoz tinkin' of im waitin' for da O2 result n interbiu, so i don't want it to b 'credited' to my profile in future.. I admit tat was my fault, cos of angry.. i put myself in badly at da end!! But wat to do.. nasi dh jd buboq kn.. :P
We also did gave a try to called da cust, but nobody pick up da phone... Even her address also was her employee address tat was long time ago..
Hai... melayang RM100!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Promoting -Butik NEP
Ok, tis is just for short post.. Nice, Generous Price n Suitable! Search n see it by yourself b4 u buy it. Or otherwise u can go to 3different places, at MegaMall Seberang Perai, PranginMall or at Giant Bayan Baru here.. near to my place!! Butik NEP
Previously, i did buy blouse n pants from here.. My mum also did buy for herself!! So today, after lookin' tru online there's a newly stock came in.. jubah dress plak tu. Tinkin' of 'grab' it, i try to give a call first askin' for da size. Ada.. So tis is wat i bought!
Previously, i did buy blouse n pants from here.. My mum also did buy for herself!! So today, after lookin' tru online there's a newly stock came in.. jubah dress plak tu. Tinkin' of 'grab' it, i try to give a call first askin' for da size. Ada.. So tis is wat i bought!
2different colour of 'jubah dress', but in same pattern n size.. I like both of it, simple..!
Check it out by yourself, tru online pun ada.. just click at my fav bloglist...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Arrghh.. MEMANG "TAK" BERBALOI Langsong!!
I hated went sometin' really make me mad happen..! N tat was happened to me today, hated to get involve wit it.., hated to tell u guys also. Not for measuring somebdy, not sayin' tat i'm in right place.. just to share my "customer service" xperience so tat u all know how to faces da same situation like me!

I started my day today havin' breakfast outside wit my sis in law, Sis Zarin+Abg Rahim n Ery. We goin' to take my mother in law for outin' n buy some blouse as she so wanted to buy a new one for herself. So after tinkin' of where are da best place to bring her n let her choose her own selected, we fetch her at home n make our moves to KBJ (Kompleks Bukit Jambul).
After a while (pusing2 tgk mana yg brkenan), she got wat she wish for. She told us tat she wanted another blouse, so we walked from one floor to another n lookin' which suitable wit her. Naaa.. but not tis time! We couldn't find one.., so she change her mind n wanted to buy cloth (kain ela) n send it to da tailor for sew her design blouses!! Hehe.. :p (mcm2 tau ibu mertuaku ni, tp I LOVE U Mak!!) Ha.. tis is da time wat really happened!!
As we all know, nama co. nie mmg popular aaar kan! When we @KBJ also, after my mother in law wanted to buy a cloths.. so we don't hav any choice n straight walk in to tis department stores. Lookin for cloth tat suit for makin' a blouse, she founded a cotton cloth wit an abstrack pattern tat looks so sweet into her.. When come to pay time, i'm da one whose goin' to make a payment at "only one cashier" at one floor!! So UNPREDICTABLE!! Muka Sis Zarin dh brubah, shake da head in refusal.. but i still follow da rules.. queue up until lah..
Ada makcik2 yg tah dr mana tah, ramai2 buat rombongan kot mai K*md*r nie potong 'queue' line!! Woi, makcik.. mana bleh camni!! Sunddenly.. there's a sound, "Dh la cashier ada 1 ja, yg dok brkumpoi ramai2 kat depan nie potong line tu psai pa..? Bratoq la betoi2, org lain pun beli kain jgk!!" Fuuhh, know from whose voice..? Sis Zarin la..!! She's really hot already. Trus makcik2 tu trdiam, ikot barisan!! Ha.. kan bagus camtu.
Then, after make da payment.. i can redeem a voucher from my bill payment which is if u buy n pay RM50 n above in a single receipt, u can get voucher for RM5. Tinkin' of we wouldn't come to KBJ usualy, so we goin' to use da voucher straight away. I don't hav any plan on buy tings overthere, though askin' Sis Zarin if she's wanted to buy anytin' n just use da voucher. Sis Zarin pun xtau nk beli pa sbenarnya, at last lookin' at small ceramic jar n da price.. enough to use da voucher!! But i wanted to highlight here.., There's no one sales promoter tat help n assist us to write in da receipt b4 we make da payment over da counter. I repeat.., no ONE Arrghh i hated!!
Nie ya part paling marah..!! After again, i follow da rules n 'queue up'. When come to my time, senang ja da cashier tu ckp
"Nie kena tulis resit dulu nie."
I reply,
"Eh, dh xdak sapa kat situ"
Dgan muka senyum kambing busuk da cashier said,
"Tak kak, kna tulis dulu!!"
Aku balas plak,
"Dh tu nnt, sy nk kena bratoq lain plak..? How dare u.. :OOO Bleh lg dia senyom kat aku!!
Hilang sabar, penat dh pun ada.. then aku trus pegi letak blk benda yg nk dibeli tu. Sambil jln, koyak voucher yg dapat tu n straight letak kat counter aku redeem voucher mula2 tadi!
Nahhh, ambik!!
Truk, their customer service mmg out! Dh tu.. now their workers all are outsider, immigrant - Nepal+Vietnam ckp Melayu pun tunggang trbalik.. their smells, ALLAH.. pening!! I'm complainin on tis bcoz their service are totally not same wit da co. profile motto "MEMANG BERBALOI.." Not at all.. Xbrbaloi langsong, dh xmcm dulu2 dh!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Takziah to Dynas
Takziah to Dynas, her husband n all her family member's coz just losing Emma Malisa (how sweet tat name!!)
She had a premature labour contractions, n her baby was born but.. didn't have a heartbeat anymore. Brsabar byk2, insyaAllah ada rezki lain nnt.
p/s:- No wonder Dynas xdak masa ABBH'08 aritu di Genting Highlands
She had a premature labour contractions, n her baby was born but.. didn't have a heartbeat anymore. Brsabar byk2, insyaAllah ada rezki lain nnt.
p/s:- No wonder Dynas xdak masa ABBH'08 aritu di Genting Highlands
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our new Gadget!!!
**New gadget for her & for me**
We both love's this Eseries phone. Been looking for a suitable phone that give more propositions and full phone specifications.
Nokia E63 is the next QWERTY messenger by Nokia, set on the glorious path of the E71. No fancy spoils, the Nokia E63 and E71 means business and brings connectivity and messaging together in a sharp and reliable package. Certainly a no-thrills mobile, the E63 and E71 does its jobs with no fuss and at a fair wage.
Well, who would frown at that?
Wwwaitin' for nex Call
Yesterday.. da exam..? Not so bad! Im doin' good, soo confident wit all da answers!!
Da panel, Mr.Zulkifli Noor from HRD Maybank did tell us tat after tis.. let say da candidates had passed da exam, they wil send an email n straight conduct for a final interview within end of April til early May!! **Pop** Wah.. so fast ka..?!!! Arrgghh :-[
Mr.Zul said there were 35places of OII to be seated around P/K/P (Penang/Kodah/Perlis). He also did gave a few tips for da interview time wit all da panels- they wil be da BM (Branch Manager) or ZM (Zone Manager) or Heads (Region or Business Center). Mak datok, nie yang den lomah nie!! Neves siut!! Neves...
Nk interbiu satu hal.. then pasni 'pasti' n 'mesti' dh kena transfer kluaq punya!! I oso already discuss bout da 'trf' matters wit Ery. He said, klu dh rezki dpt.. continue ja. Xpa, InsyaAllah pasal 'trf' tu nnt tgk cmna ok!! Ok Ery, if u dh "ijinkan"..
So, as usual.. my works still hav to be done evryday!
Da panel, Mr.Zulkifli Noor from HRD Maybank did tell us tat after tis.. let say da candidates had passed da exam, they wil send an email n straight conduct for a final interview within end of April til early May!! **Pop** Wah.. so fast ka..?!!! Arrgghh :-[
Mr.Zul said there were 35places of OII to be seated around P/K/P (Penang/Kodah/Perlis). He also did gave a few tips for da interview time wit all da panels- they wil be da BM (Branch Manager) or ZM (Zone Manager) or Heads (Region or Business Center). Mak datok, nie yang den lomah nie!! Neves siut!! Neves...
Nk interbiu satu hal.. then pasni 'pasti' n 'mesti' dh kena transfer kluaq punya!! I oso already discuss bout da 'trf' matters wit Ery. He said, klu dh rezki dpt.. continue ja. Xpa, InsyaAllah pasal 'trf' tu nnt tgk cmna ok!! Ok Ery, if u dh "ijinkan"..
So, as usual.. my works still hav to be done evryday!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Well.. At least I try!
Don't wori ok Ery, im not sedih or disappointed.. Even though 'rezki' was not beside us yet, but im so believe InsyaAllah it will still come someday, somehow!! Kita coba lg, Caiyo.. caiyoo :P
Tis weekdays, workin' time as usual im quite busy.. Still had to 'relief' frontline+my current dept! Arguing..? No lah I just keep it in my heart la..., don't want to bising2 dh Malash!!
Until la today.. moning2 lg my colleague Kak L**da did ask me to open my email. Thought mayb just receive an email from her or someting 'hot' gossip!! Mana tau tat im receivin' an email from my HRD sayin' tat i've been selected for da assessment session-Application for OII (Operations)!!
OO.. oo OMG actually im quite nervous, dh lama xbuat exam! Well, at least tis is my chances n why not i try right!! Ery give me a full support too. Soo.. wish me luck!! Ada 'rezki' lain, go to da next step plak pasni ya!! InsyaAllah
Monday, April 6, 2009
Don't Get Too Stress OK!!
As I told her before, what ever the result is.. please accept it with openness** It so happens when we had waited for quite long, but I believe in livelihood.. InsyaAllah, eventual 1 day there will be my time also.
My own..
Friday, April 3, 2009
-AMLA Briefing-
There will be a briefin' on AMLA on this Friday, 03/04/2009.
Starting Time:- 5.00pm
Starting Time:- 5.00pm
Estimate Finish:- 4hours
Dinner:- Provided
Wat..? AMLA briefing again, 4hours plak lagi..!! AMLA stand for Anti Money Laundering Act. Its under our bank regulations. So, nak xndak.. kena la attend jgk. Its COMPULSARY!! Tis briefing was held EVERY YEAR tau..!!
Beside tat, there will b also a farewell for my Xofficer-Esther Cheah n my colleague-AbgYon. Esther already transfered to MBB P.I.A(Penang International Airport) SC. Just only tis time tat we can arrange to do a farewell for her. N for AbgYon, he will b transfer to da new dept. @Region Penang.
So we all started around 630pm, after havin' our dinner n prayers time. After da 1st round of briefing, around 725pm.. my Boss stopped da presentation for Maghrib time. Then continue back nearly 800pm. Coz there were also a farewell, we 'break' for a session on given some 'token' to Esther n AbgYon.. After tat, da briefing was continue back until laa pukoi 1000pm!!
Fuiihh, nk abish tu punyalah lama trasa. From 1slide to another, my Boss did give his own elucidation.. adoii lama sunggoh rasa. Some more ujan plak kat luar, fuhh smua dok egat umah ja!! Not only me, evrybody felt da same too.! At las, time's up..
"Ok, finish so evrybdy can go back!!" TQ Boss..
Huihh ngalah kan Boss!!
Yg nie kira btoi2 focus..
ooOps, jgn gosip.. nie kira Kakak&Adik ok
Are xsure wat meaning of tis 'sign'..?
En.Sailan & Kama, muka boring!!
All my colleague's

Tis is my Xofficer,Esther

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