For da weekend, me n Ery not doin' anyting. My parent also are not at Penang, but at tis moment they already here.. hehee smpai Penang pg tadi! We decid goin' to watch movie, bookin' online. Pilih punya pilih.. at las we agree to watch "Bride Wars"!!
For me, i felt tat da movie was entertaining and "cute," but in da end it was a pretty predictable "chick-flick." At least, n tis is someting to b grateful for, Bride Wars deviates from da usual wedding-flick routine of maids of honor who should be the bride (or groom). N even though da catfighting goes over da top, da notion tat a passionate female friendship can turn ugly in a heartbeat is, sadly, realistic.. (so sad also) So for all da female bride to be or even already.. y not go n watch it!!
For my mum n abah, 1 of da activity tat they had been doin' over there was watchin' a musical "PUTERI GUNUNG LEDANG 3". (huihh mana aci, sakan depa nie..). They get da tickets from my sista in law. Her workin' place had gave them a couple tickets to go.. Bcoz of my sista cannot go (mana nk letak anak2 saudaraku nnt..?) happen to b also my parents was over there, so she decide to gave them da tickets. How lucky they are ya..kira hadiah "Birthday" la jgk nie!! (mak, are jeles tau!!) Da musical wil have a third run at da Istana Budaya in from February 6 to 21, 2009.
She said tat da it was her first time in her life tat she was given a chance to watch musical theater.. Puteri Gunung Ledang 3......It was superb..!! Wit all da magical touch like they mentioned in the paper.. She so in love to see da dance.. OMG is really fantastic.. i wish i could watch they dance too. Eventhough got a few error.. but she said it was ran smoothly.
Tis season's production is bigger and better. She said tat she could not believe in her eyes when she watched it. It's like a magical performance on stage.They brought in da ship! Tat part looks better compared to da previous season. She love's da "7 Syarat" part. Da music, da scene n da act = Awesome!!.
She n my father said tat Puteri Gunung Ledang 3 is a MUST-SEE performance of 2009. It is great. You'll see the magic! (eeeiii jeles abis tau..!!) Hope ada season 4 ka, then we all can go n watch plak ye mak.. (ada ka..?)
So sesapa yg tinggal kat area KL tu, y not spend sket 'onkos' tu go n watch it..? ! My mum n abah said u won't b loss..!! (",)
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