Haha.. Start esok will be holiday again, CNY...!!
First came cross into my mind, "Ha, what to do.. or where to go.. How we gonna plan in a short while....?" Because last 2weeks during New Year we already taken extra leaves to Cameron, so for this time no no..
Zura had ask me if we wanted to going somewhere, but for myside enough to said that we should stay at home and watch DVD ka.. went to 'makan-makan' ka, window shopping (she's gonna loves on this!!!)
One thing, starting tomorrow morning both of us gonna start our activity with jogging at Taman Belia-Kebun Bunga!! Why.. Because Zura felt that she's getting fat!! Oh my..!! She kept saying that she wanted to do something like went for 'liposuction' la.. wanted to go to "MarieFrance" la.. apa tah "London" tah la.. (dia dh buat dh..)
Actually from what i know, her weight before we get married was only 48kg... And guess what now...
48kg + 365days * 3times eating
HAHAHA... the results now was 65kg!! Oh SAYANG.. Don't worry ok, YOU ARE STILL MY TEDDY BEAR!! I'm not embarrassing you tau, just saying that i'm gonna give my fulled supports to you my dear!
So, for not disappointed her.. i will be her instuctor!! Cewahh.. (bleh jd ka..?) I promise to take her to do some exercises, jogging of course! And on Sunday, we will attend public 'aerobic' also at Taman Belia.
Looking at her, i am so happy with what she's having right now! But not for her.. She so scared let say she couldn't wear her favourite clothes or pants anymore.. She keep saying "ha nanti kena beli baju baru plak, sluaq pun kena bg pair jgk!!" Ala.. nothing posibble sayang..
At least before we get to be parent(hope so..), before to late la..
And we'll see the progress after this ok, maybe 1month after.. i'm gonna update for it!!
HAHAHA.. i really appriciate wat u've done ok syg!! Bring me to da right place..!! Hope i'll maintain back wat i had b4 mmmuuahh
jgn kecik hati ok.. i'll support you la! always, i promise..
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