Arrgghh.... goin' to marah pun ada, but its so feel frust tau!! Guess wat!! When i went to Metro.. las week, there's no any fragrances named "MARC JACOBS". Apatah lg "DAISY" Marc Jacobs!!
Then y in their catalogue there was tat fragrance!! Or otherwise put a remarks there said tat only @MetroJaya KL.. If not, so no need to go n find it.. :(
We managed to do 'tawaf' a few times at da fragrance & cosmetics dept tryin' to searchin' da item tat i wanted, but its not there.. Ery pun sempat asked da promoter, guess wat again... they also dont know!! So suprise.. they said, wat ever goT here.. only here la... Wat da best answer guys-thanks a lot!!
I'll finished first my fragrance tat i'm using now - Pure White Linen by Estee Lauder. Then only i'll dcide either wanted to change to da new fragrance or continue to use da same smell as my personality. OR... hehehe i'll buy+add another fragrances as my collections kan.. Y not!!
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