So, i had da invitation from her for "akad nikah" ceremony n reception went we had gathered las month.. during 'raya' time!! A few days before she came back to Penang, she had called me up to tell tat she's also cannot believe tat she's gonna be somebdy's wife. I'm glad tat finally she's gettin' married wit da man tat she's really in love!!
Da "akad nikah" ceremony take place at Masjid Bayan Baru,
just near by only wit my house. Wit a heavy rains, around 11am n 'skali lafaz....' Liza did become a wife to Ehsan!! Alhamdulillah.. so sweet tau.. Know y.. becoz it had happen at da same mosque tat me n Ery had also became a husband n wife! (tringat..flash back wat did happen almost 1year ago..)
I'm happy for both of u guys.., also for Makcik Siti n Pakcik Nusi coz dpt menantu, menantu sulong lah katakan!! Tahniah..!!
After da ceremony, families from bridegroom did a small re
ception at Hotel Seri Malaysia. We all had lunch over there.. There's also a session 'potong kek'.. so wit a cool environment inside n outside, also a hotel menus.. pa lg we all mkn la!! Sittin' there until near 2pm, we had to make our moves.. Sori Liza, cannot wait until finished..
P/S:- Hope to c u on ur wedding reception, 22th & 23th Nov ok!! C u @Baling right... :* mmmuuuahhh
senyoman seorg isteri.. brdebar ye!!
da BIG moment, BIg jgk tggjwb pasni
Bcoz after tat we goin' straight to Bagan Serai, Perak to attend another wedding reception (my mum niece, her daughter wedding-Yong her name) We reached there around 3 o'clock, same.. also raining!!
Lucky to meet all my mums relatives, introduced Ery to them too. Still had to 'makan', cannot run from it! But i tink bcoz of rainin', so it feels become so hungry.
Oh my, for sure I was so in love wit da weddin' concepts!! All r in fresh flowers.. fresh white roses!! From da 'disorderly gate'(pintu gerbang) to da 'bridal dais'(pelamin).. u can smells all da white roses fragrant. Ala.. so nice la!! Nasib baik Are dh naik plamin, klu blom.. Are nk jgk camtu!! Abish la Ery sayang..
After mkn n takin' photo, had a 'sembang2' coz lama xjumpa.. Around 5pm++ after da rainin' also stopped, we had to go back! Wit a happiness crying (my mum la.., emotional!), pelok p.. plok mai wit all da relatives.. we went back to Penang..!!
da bridegroom, Yong in orange colour
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